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The Sheep River Health Trust (SRHT) is dedicated to raising funds to promote health and wellness in our communities. Along with our first goal to support the provision of quality health services and equipment, the SRHT is proud to contribute to community health promotion through our Speaker Series Luncheons.
The Trust kicks off their 2010/2011 Speaker Series Luncheon on Thursday, September 23rd at the Turner Valley Legion by welcoming Alberta's Health Minister, the Honourable Gene Zwozdesky. Honourable Zwozdesky will join us at the Turner Valley Legion to discuss Alberta Health and Wellness' Plans and Long Term Goals for Rural Healthcare.
Gene Zwozdesky was appointed Minister of Health and Wellness on January 15th, 2010. Minister Zwozdesky was elected to his fifth term as MLA for Edmonton-Mill Creek on March 3rd, 2008 and currently serves as Minister of Health and Wellness and Deputy Government House Leader. In addition to his duties as MLA and minister he is currently a member of the Agenda and Priorities Committee, Treasury Board and the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, Standing Orders and Printing. He previously served as Minister of Aboriginal Relations, Minister of both the Education and the Community Development portfolios and Associate Minister of the departments of Health and Wellness and Capital Planning.
Gene Zwozdesky was born in 1948 in Saskatchewan, moved to Alberta in 1950, lived in Grand Centre, Hinton and Sangudo, and has lived in Edmonton since 1963. He has a bachelor of arts degree and a bachelor of education degree from the University of Alberta and accreditation courses in public administration. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Alberta. Before politics Mr. Zwozdesky worked as a teacher, administrator, professional musician and businessman. He was the executive director of the Alberta Cultural Heritage Foundation and the Alberta Ukrainian Canadian Centennial Commission, as well as music director for the Shumka Dancers and Cheremosh Dancers. He was a volunteer executive member of the Alberta Folk Arts Council, Alberta Recording Industry Association, Edmonton Canada Day Committee, Edmonton Heritage Festival Association, Capital City Savings (SERVUS), Ukrainian Community Council and the Great Canadian Awards (co-founder and producer).
This special public interest event is open to all interested individuals, groups or organizations and your attendance is encouraged.
Join health care professionals and citizens interested in rural health at the Turner Valley Legion, Noon, September 23rd 2010. The registration package is available online at:
www.sheepriverhealthtrust.ca, by calling 403-995-5400, by email sheepriver.healthtrust@albertahealthservices.ca or in person at the Sheep River Health Trust office located in the Okotoks Health & Wellness Centre. Lunch is provided. The cost is $35.00 per person or $260.00 for a table of eight. Register today.
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