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C. Ian McLaren students have been waiting patiently since June 30th of the previous school year wondering if our new playground was going to receive grant approval from the Community Enhancement Grant. Last week, C. Ian McLaren's past school council chair, Liza Zeer, received a phone message from the office of Ted Morton, our local MLA, asking her to contact them. Imagine the whoops of joy we heard in the school as students and staff found out that we received the full grant amount requested of $43,865.18! Added to what we have received from casino funds, the Lion's Club, the RCMP charity golf tournament and donations of money and time from our parent community, we now have $92,911.18 to develop our playground. Plans are now underway to implement our plan for Spring 2011. Thank you to everyone who has worked with us and is continuing to work with us to make our dream a reality!
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