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With the coming of a New Year comes an old tradition, the New Year's Resolution. The tradition was started by early Babylonians and continued by the Romans as a way to make peace with neighbours to begin the New Year without conflict and in essence to “Bury the Hatchet” from any disputes from the year before.
Many people in Western Culture make resolutions for the sake of continuing a tradition. But how many people stick with them? In my observations most people make a resolution and within a matter of days have given up on it. Some of the most popular ones are to lose weight, stop smoking, reconnect with loved ones or lost friends, travel, attend classes, get promotions and exercise.
In fact almost every resolution I ever heard was something healthy. So why not stick with it? Most people don't stick with it because they don't have a plan. “This year I resolve to lose weight,” is a great goal, but it's not a plan. To get results you must have a plan with objective measurable goals along the way.
So below are my tips for making a better you in 2011.
1. Start small and measurable i.e. “I'm going to lose weight.” That's a lofty goal. How about “By the end of 2011 I'm going to have lost 20lbs,” “I'm going to get fit,” can become “By March I'm going to be able to jog 5km without stopping.” These are both smaller goals and measurable.
2. Develop your plan. How am I going to lose the 20lbs? I need to eat healthy nutritious food. I need to stay hydrated. I need to exercise. But what if you don't know how to do any of those things? Perhaps the first step should be research your goal and get a professional to help develop the rest of the plan.
3. Plan stages. My new years resolution plan should be staged. I'm not going to work all year to step on the scale in 12 months for the first time. If I resolve to lose 20lbs by December 2011 I should be losing 5lbs every 3 months. Instead of focusing on a 12 month goal I can focus on my mini goals every 3 months.
4. Surround yourself with success. Looking to lose weight? Join a club, get a trainer, work out with friends, get magazine subscriptions that educate and motivate you. Surround yourself with all the parts of a successful equation, including people who support and motivate you, not give you excuses for failure, tear you down or otherwise limit your chances of success.
Start with those steps and your 2011 New Years Resolution can be more than just lip service to an old tradition. It can be your equation to make a better you for 2011!!! I used the example of weight loss for this illustration but this formula can lead to success for any self improvement plan. For help with fitness, weight loss, healthy living or hypnosis or hypnotherapy reach me at:: tom@ftsma.com
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