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Submitted by Lion Lona Lineham
Nine members of the Foothills Lions Club attended the Lions Convention held in Canmore on January 14th and 15th. Zone Chairman Lion James Lee received the "International Presidents Award" for excellence in embodying the spirit of Lionism and, as it states - "being a beacon of hope to those in need around the world". This is the 2nd highest award a Lion can receive. We are all very proud of Lion James and the work he has been doing.
The motto of the Lions Club "WE SERVE" defines our mission and is the main principle of the Lions Club. The purpose of this world is not "to have and to hold" but "to give and to serve".
The Foothills Lions Club donated $900.00 to Education Plus (Diamond Valley Campus). Ed Plus offers a full range of high school courses that allows them to work around each student’s individual needs and future interests. The main focus of Ed Plus is working with students at risk of not completing school in a traditional setting, towards achieving a Grade 12 high school diploma.
Bali, Indonesia - here we come to help you!!! Lion James Lee, Lion Lona Lineham and Lion David Campbell will be leaving for Bali soon, to distribute glasses to the needy people in the villages of Northern and Eastern Bali. The Foothills Lions Club donated $1500.00 for the purchase of these glasses.
Where are the Bingo players?? We need you to come out and support out Friday Night Bingo. The next Lions Bingo will be held at the Valley Neighbours Club on Friday, February 4th, at 6:30pm.
The Foothills Lions Club
“Serving Our Community”
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