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The New Moon has arrived! Were you focusing on what you want? I certainly hope so. Because if you were focusing (or stressing) on what you don't want, like bills, problems or being sick then that is exactly what you will get. I know it sounds 'hokey', but if you ask a wizened farmer to plant their seeds on the Waxing (or 'coming into') of the New Moon, they'll already have done it three days ago. Not only does the waxing of the new moon bring you what you want, it also encourages growth! The next New Moon is on June 1st, at 10pm but remember to cast your wish at least three days before. After the New Moon, be aware of the Waning Period, or 'going out-of' of the New Moon. During this phase, consider letting go of a bad habit, a negative thought pattern or stress in general. Visualize it!
Speaking of which, let's get down to the business of art. Artistic types really love to watch people. It's fascinating. We watch how the public reveals themselves to the world. Figure drawing is a wonderful art form that (unfortunately) people tend to shy away from because it's mistakenly assumed to be drawing 'someone naked'. But if you've ever taken a figure drawing class, you know that once you remove yourself from your physical self, you become something of an omniscient. You suddenly see the figure you're drawing as a living sculpture. It is so quiet, usually darkened with one light source on the figure. The shadows and highlights become your muse. It feels like writing visual poetry. After the class, you feel like you need to 'shake yourself awake'. It's very much like meditation. And guess when the best time to do this particular form of art is? You guessed it, during the Waxing of the New Moon. The model is relaxed, you are relaxed and so are all the other participants in the room. Completely content, you take your drawings home. Naturally, you share it with your loved ones, your friends. Curiously, since they weren't in the room with you, they didn't see what you saw, or felt what you felt. And here comes the weirdest feeling ever: you have now experienced what it's like to be an artist. And you'll love it!
~Love and light from The Real RobiN Thibodeau
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