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Submitted by Lion Lona Lineham
The Foothills Lions Club is very proud of one of our long standing members - Bob Lochhead. "The Ministers Senior Service Award" will be presented to Bob at a special ceremony in Edmonton (June 8th) during Seniors Week. This award recognizes Albertans who volunteer their time to make a difference in the lives of seniors and has recognized 80 recipients since its beginning 14 years ago. We, as Lions, have realized we had a special member long ago. Lion Bob has always been one of the first to step up for whatever has to be done in our Club. I am sure almost everyone in Black Diamond and Turner Valley know him and are aware of the helping hand he provides wherever it is needed.
CONGRATULATIONS BOB!!!! You are so deserving of this award.
Spring is here --- we did our first Bar-B-Q on Saturday, May 24th for the annual Diamond Valley "Project Green Day". About 50 volunteers set out early in the morning to clean up along the river, pathways, trails and parks. Another group of about 5 volunteers worked very long and hard on the beautiful little pocket gardens along the main street of Black Diamond. The Lions Club had a fun day serving all the volunteers coffee, juice and muffins before they left and hamburgers and donuts when the work was finished. All the work these volunteers did will benefit the towns of Black Diamond and Turner Valley, the flora and fauna of the Sheep River Valley and all those who live down stream. Volunteers are most welcome for the Fall River Clean-Up which will be September 7th. What a great way to help your community!!
"The Longview Youth Group" (George Teichroeb along with 3 youths) came to our May 3rd meeting to give the Lions Club a thank you for the donation we gave them a few months ago. It was so nice to hear that the youth, and the adults accompanying them, had a good time on their outing.
The Alberta Treasury Branch held a month of fundraising for The Children's Hospitals - The Foothills Lions Club gave them a donation of $500.00.
Bingo Players ---- we only have 3 more Bingos before we quit for the summer. Let's see you all out for these games. The next Lion's Bingo will be held at the Valley Neighbours Club on Friday, May 27th at 6:30pm.
The Foothills Lions Club
“Serving Our Community”
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