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“I, <inject your name>, do solemnly swear that from this point forward, every time I phone or enter the premise of a Gateway Gazette advertiser I will be sure to let them know that I saw their ad in the GATEWAY GAZETTE.”
Just to make sure, repeat the words “Gateway Gazette” over and over for 30 seconds straight - no stopping... this is an old-school memorization technique. Why is this important? Because many customers are telling businesses that they saw their ad in the WRONG paper - we know, it’s crazy... but how’s this, we had an individual apply for a job with US (at the Gateway Gazette) and the person actually said out loud “I saw your ad in the Western Wheel.” Seriously! We’re not making this up!
Go ahead, have a chuckle (we did)... however, it stresses the importance of how big of a role YOU play in the future of YOUR newspaper. Advertisers need to know that their ads are working... if they’re getting wrong information from their customers then they might question their decision to advertise with the Gateway Gazette. Without sufficient advertisers the Gateway Gazette can’t increase the number of pages each edition and then there might not be enough pages to provide YOU with more of the information you WANT.
So please, do yourself a favour - tell everyone you talk to that you read the GATEWAY GAZETTE.
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