Tuesday, August 24, 2010


(Page 6)
Squeaky Wheel
Gets the Oil
Dear Editor
I am utterly amazed at the fear the proposed plebiscite by the Town of Black Diamond on the library issue has placed in the hearts of the few. As always it is the minority that makes the loudest noise.
If the construction funding and ongoing support of the library is what the majority of the residents want then surely that will be the answer council will receive from the plebiscite.
Isn't it better to allow the residents to have a say in town spending than to have them suddenly responsible for close to a million dollars of debt without even being asked, as was the case in Turner Valley. Did Turner Valley Council ask their taxpayers if they wanted the library to be constructed in Turner Valley? Did they offer any other viable options? Did they ask their taxpayers if they supported Centre 78 and the library being included in it, which would have been without any taxpayer costs? Or did they arbitrarily decide to go it alone just because they had the power to do so? Did they disclose to their taxpayers what it would possibly mean in terms of increased taxes before they committed the town to the building? Not as far as I can tell.
As for the library costs being only 3% of Black Diamond's budget, a budget is just that…a budget. Do we always stay within our budget? What reassurances have we that the new building will stay within the old budget? It's fine for library supporters to quote the budget, a budget that was calculated in good faith, based on this year's library size and it being enclosed by the balance of the town's offices. What about the heat loss in a stand-alone building that is triple in size? What about the extra power costs of increased computers, lights, etc? Janitorial and exterior maintenance services will be triple. I could go on, but I think you get my drift.
Why is Turner Valley council berating the open and transparent actions of Black Diamond council? Could it be because they are regretting not being open and transparent themselves?

Winifred G.

All “Letters To The Editor” are more than welcome at the Gateway Gazette and whenever possible we will endeavour to print them. We reserve the right to edit or not publish submissions if they are in extreme bad taste, vulgar or could do damage to other specific persons. Please note that published submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Gateway Gazette, staff, associates or family. The Gateway Gazette (along with anyone connected to the Gateway Gazette) does not assume any liability or responsibility in light of the opinions of others. With all of that out of the way, please feel free to send us your thoughts or opinions, preferably by email at: gazette@telus.net, you can fax them to: 938-2473, or you can drop them off in our drop-box at Coyote Moon in Turner Valley or at Pharmasave in Black Diamond.

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