Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gifts and Gripes - Roxanne Walsh

(Page 29)

Dear Editor,
Is Turner Valley ready to engage in an active democracy?
There have been some interesting letters being written over the past few weeks from Diamond Valley residents about the Library and about the track record of Turner Valley Town Councillors this past term. It is obvious an election is coming!
It is all too easy to blame Council for the lack of leadership, missteps and some of the other complaints that have been identified or been on the minds of residents. The real problem does not lie solely on the shoulders of Council or even Administration. The real problem lies in the choices made at the ballot box and the lack of interest from residents in-between elections.
Is Turner Valley ready to engage in an active democracy? In an active democracy, residents not only research and question the candidates asking for your vote, they also attend Council meetings to ensure the elected are walking their talk. They inform themselves by reading documents instead of relying on hearsay from their neighbours. They take a personal interest in the affairs of the community they live in so that Council's decisions are based on the common good of the residents and not on self or other interests. They demand to be included in important decisions that affect their tax dollars. The Library, the Reservoir, Centre 78 and the Gas Plant are just a few examples of decisions that have been set in motion or implemented without properly engaging the residents prior to money being committed.
The truth of the matter is Turner Valley's Mayor and Council were doing the best they could. Was their best good enough to satisfy the residents? I guess we will find out on October 18th, but casting your vote should not end your engagement in the affairs of your community. Without an active democracy, you can pretty much expect your taxes to rise higher than you can really afford. It's time to engage.
Roxanne Walsh
Runing for Councillor, Turner Valley

All “Letters To The Editor” are more than welcome at the Gateway Gazette and whenever possible we will endeavour to print them. We reserve the right to edit or not publish submissions if they are in extreme bad taste, vulgar or could do damage to other specific persons. Please note that published submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Gateway Gazette, staff, associates or family. The Gateway Gazette (along with anyone connected to the Gateway Gazette) does not assume any liability or responsibility in light of the opinions of others. With all of that out of the way, please feel free to send us your thoughts or opinions, preferably by email at: gazette@telus.net, you can fax them to: 938-2473, or you can drop them off in our drop-box at Coyote Moon in Turner Valley or at Pharmasave in Black Diamond.

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