Tuesday, August 24, 2010


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I am writing in regard to the lack of knowledge regarding the New Library that residents of Black Diamond and Turner Valley have. How about stop gossiping and get the facts straight. Instead of sitting over a cup of coffee, and repeating all the garbage going on, why not contact the two Towns and get some accurate facts and figures.
As Past Mayor of Turner Valley, I know what I am talking about! I know that the Towns must be open and diligent regarding getting the correct facts to the public. All you taxpayers need to do is go to the source and stop spreading untruths!
The Sheep River Library is funded by both Towns, and has been for around thirty years. They have a contract with Marigold. This is past history, and is correct. To my knowledge the library has always worked within their budget, and continues to do so.
Over five years ago the Town of Black Diamond gave Sheep River Library notice that the Library would need to find a new home, due to the Town office needing the space. The Library Board then developed a business plan, and proceeded to look for space. It was then decided by several residents in both communities how big the Library should be for future growth. Both Towns supported the decision to build a new Library. The opportunity arose to be part of Centre 78. It seemed to be going well, what happened? I am not sure, but it became evident that in order to receive the federal and provincial funding, the Library would have to be built before the funding was removed. The land was donated by Turner Valley, and to date you can see the building progress.
What I do not understand is; where are people getting their facts from. Does it really matter where the library is? Why question supporting the Library? Yes it is large, and it is new, but did you know that the staff will be the same; the hours of operation will be the same? Where is it coming from that the larger library is going to cost three times more than now? Of course the power, gas and water may be more, but you will not be paying three times more than you are now. Look at the Library's new business plan.
Why not stop all this nonsense and be proud that Sheep River Library will be getting a new home. So what if it is in Turner Valley, what do you think that the residents of Turner Valley have done for thirty years? They walk, drive, bike to the Library. It does not stop them from using the Library.
I am a resident of the High Country Lodge; did you know that the library comes to us once a month?
Thank you volunteers, I can still take books out, and I don't have to leave my home!
I hope that everyone will ask themselves this; is it worth having a plebiscite and putting the future of our Library at risk? Do you know how much that will cost the taxpayers?? This library takes up less than 3% of the Budget! What is all the fuss about? Get on with life.
Marjorie Straub
Past Turner Valley Mayor

Dear Editor
Imagine how relieved and happy I was to hear the news that Foothills Foundation were building six affordable living duplexes in Black Diamond! HORRAY! Finally me and my kids have a real chance to get out of the tatty, run down place where we currently live, and have an opportunity to live somewhere that has a landlord that actually complete repairs, a well maintained and WARM place to live in the winter, somewhere my kids can be proud to invite their friends back to, but oh nooo... my children and I DARE to own a pet!!! We were turned down because a member of our family has four legs - a well trained, obedient and loyal dog. So, we get on with ‘living’ in our little tatty apartment, while we are constantly on the look out for somewhere else to live, that is with in our budget and REASONABLE PRICED!!!
Oh wait... good news... now I hear twenty three new apartments are being built in Black Diamond... there is light at the end of the tunnel!!! Yay!
But once again.... ohhhhh NOOO!!! ANOTHER affordable living complex that doesn’t allow pets! So what... ‘poor people’ aren’t allowed pets now? People who have high cleanliness standards, who take a pride in where they live, and just want a break are penalized for having a dog? Single parents who work hard to provide a safe living environment for their kids are punished in this way? My home is cleaned every day, it is always tidy and maintained as well as I am able.
Our dog is a part of our family; he provides me with piece of mind that when I lock my door at night we are safe. He is NEVER left home alone, and has never chewed anything in his life. I know families who don’t respect the place they call home, I know kids cause more damage than my dog, just by playing.
So, “Get rid of the dog and stop whining” I hear you say - well when I mentioned the possibility of re-homing our best friend, I was faced with two hysterical kids, crying and panicking about him, so that is NOT an option.
I have offered landlords DOUBLE deposits because I have a dog (that is how confident I am that he will not cause any damage) but was once again was refused.
Do lesser-well off people in this community have to live in run-down homes just because we own an animal for our own protection?
So, I guess my little family and I will have to continue living with taped up windows to keep the heat in, continue spending money on wasp and ant traps because my landlord refuses to get rid of the nests and wait for over two years for repairs to be done. Maybe one day, when a dogless family have wrecked these new homes, we will be offered one.
Name and address supplied, Black Diamond

Dear Mayor Brown and Councillors,
I am confused, aghast, dismayed at your decision to hold a plebiscite regarding the funding of the new Sheep River Library, currently under construction in Turner Valley. Last March I attended an open meeting at the Oilfields High School regarding this issue, at which time there was obviously tremendous public support for co-funding the library at a cost of $250,000 to the residents of Black Diamond.  However, our Council has seen fit to put this issue to a plebiscite. I see from the Western Wheel that the vote was a close one, with three Councillors (Brown, Hart and Ross) voting against, and four Councillors (Bray, Jackson, Price and Thomson) voting for holding the plebiscite.  Has the Administration seriously thought this issue through and considered the consequences to the town if the plebiscite turns down the funding for the new library?
For the past two years, my two sisters and I have volunteered on a monthly basis to take large print books and audio tapes from the library to the seniors residing at High Country Lodge as so many of their residents are unable to access the library on their own. With the new library now relocated to Turner Valley, this problem may concern an even greater number of Lodge residents. If Turner Valley is the sole provider of funding for the library, Black Diamond citizens could be considered 'non-residents' and the possibility exists that the cost of an annual membership could increase significantly for us. (Currently, non-residents of Black Diamond and Turner Valley pay $70.00 annually to use our library facilities.)   This cost would prohibit most seniors and many other local residents from using the library. Also, as 'non-residents', our Outreach Program and others would be in jeopardy.
I recommend that the plebiscite be rescinded and that you, as administrators of our town, use your authority to support the building and continue supporting the operating costs of the Sheep River Library.
Yours truly,
Janet Graham

All “Letters To The Editor” are more than welcome at the Gateway Gazette and whenever possible we will endeavour to print them. We reserve the right to edit or not publish submissions if they are in extreme bad taste, vulgar or could do damage to other specific persons. Please note that published submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Gateway Gazette, staff, associates or family. The Gateway Gazette (along with anyone connected to the Gateway Gazette) does not assume any liability or responsibility in light of the opinions of others. With all of that out of the way, please feel free to send us your thoughts or opinions, preferably by email at: gazette@telus.net, you can fax them to: 938-2473, or you can drop them off in our drop-box at Coyote Moon in Turner Valley or at Pharmasave in Black Diamond.

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