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Sheep River Library is teaming up with lots of organizations and agencies to bring you a slate of new and exciting programs. And again, many individuals from our own communities have stepped forward to share their expertise. Residents of the MD should look for the Foothills Continuing Education booklet coming soon to your mail box. Town residents can pick up copies at the library, both town offices, AG Foods and FasGas.
New partners this year are Community Futures and McBride Career Group who will bring you Career Planning programs each month this fall. Self-employment manager, Patricia Alderson, of Community Futures, will kick off the season with a program for individuals contemplating going into business on their own. Is Going Into Business Right For Me? will address the pitfalls and pinnacles of striking out on your own and will give guidance in how to start your own venture. You will need to register soon as this course will be held on September 14th, from 7:00 til 8:00 pm
The McBride Career Group will put on two courses, Career Planning in October and Resume Writing in November.
Thru our partnership with the Writers Guild of Alberta, Betty Jane Hegerat will be giving a talk and reading, Backstage With a Novelist, on Friday, September 17th starting at 6:30. Betty Jane is the author of two novels and a collection of short stories. She writes from a longstanding fascination with relationships and families and the secrets and lies that bind ordinary lives together. Her most recent novel, Delivery, lactates with life.
Individuals with amazing stories to tell have volunteered their time to share their experiences, and two of these sessions will be held in the month of September. On September 15th, the majesty of Kenya will be revealed to you through photos that will take your breath away; majestic animals, Mt Kilamanjaro, the beautiful coastal region and the Rift Valley. Join Pete and Susan Brooksbank as they share their travel experience in this awe inspiring country.
David Campbell and Irene Velkova will introduce us to Malawi, Africa as they recount the experiences of their three week outreach mission dispensing self adjustable eyeglasses to some of the most impoverished people in the developing world. Register early for this September 28th session.
The first movie of the season will be a repeat of FRESH, a visual production that will change your grocery shopping habits forever. Witness the transformation of our agriculture into an industrial model and the consequences of food contamination, environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and morbid obesity. This film is a must-see and will be shown on September 23rd.
Literacy For Life will once again offer the Book Buddies program where parents and children make keepsake books. The afternoon sessions for three and four year olds will include songs, finger plays and book sharing. There is no cost for the eight sessions that start on Wednesday, September 15th. Look for the COW Bus coming to town on October 5th! Stay tuned for details!
Early registration is a must for these FREE September classes. Just call the library and sign up by giving your name and address. Pick up brochures at the Sheep River Library for the full slate of fall lifelong learning experiences.
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