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By Todd Curran
In an effort to find a cure for diabetes, Cougars Sports Bar held a “skimpy” fundraiser for Turner Valley local Chelsea Crowshoe, who's running for charity.
Needing $6,100 to run, Chelsea and her supporters organized several fundraisers including a lingerie fashion show at Cougars on October 2nd. The sizable crowd sampled sexy eye candy provided by Ginch Intimates of Okotoks, bid on auction items and rocked-out to the live music of One Eyed Jack. “We raised almost $1,400 at this event,” says Chelsea. “Combined with the other funds, this puts me at about $4,200.”
Chelsea is aiming to participate in the Honolulu Marathon on behalf of the Canadian Diabetes Foundation. Thousands of runners flock to the December 12th event in support of various health organizations and charities. “This is my first marathon,” Chelsea says. “I have a coworker who ran the 42 km run last year, but this is my first marathon, so I'm running the 10 km one.”
By working in the Aboriginal Health Program, Chelsea found her inspiration to participate in finding a cure for diabetes and run in the Honolulu Marathon. “Diabetes is a top health concern in the Aboriginal population,” she says. “I'm on maternity leave, so I knew I could do the fundraising and set an early example for my son too.”
With everything being donated to the lingerie fashion show, Chelsea extends her thanks to all of the businesses and people helping her accomplish this in the name of finding a cure for diabetes. Working hard to show her appreciation for the support, her goal is to run the entire 10 km without walking. “I'll be running this afternoon as soon as my husband can get back to watch our son,” she says.
You can have some fun, learn some new kitchen skills and help find a cure for diabetes by registering for the October 27th diabetic baking class fundraiser at Stirr! Call 403-933-7847 for more information.
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