Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gifts and Gripes - Tyler Bray

(Page 29)

Dear Editor,
Pretenders vs. Contenders
I am writing this letter to the Gateway Gazette today in approval of the recent article written by reporter Todd Curran.  
Hot topics are subjects that bring out the emotion in people, both good and bad. However the question we need to ask ourselves is, once the Hot topics are settled, usually within a short period of time, what does the candidate running for council on the hot topics, then bring to the table. 
As stated in the Gateway Gazette article, the business of running a town is just that, running a business. For the first time in several years, we have ten candidates running for councillor. This is good news. The voters should now examine what each candidate brings to the table for the full three years of their projected term in office. Is there leadership, proven track record, accountability?
2010 will be the year of the angry vote in Black Diamond. It is important to remove the emotion and ask who is just running for a pay check and who will work the hardest for you over the full three year term.
Tyler Bray
Running for Re-election as Councillor,
Black Diamond

All “Letters To The Editor” are more than welcome at the Gateway Gazette and whenever possible we will endeavour to print them. We reserve the right to edit or not publish submissions if they are in extreme bad taste, vulgar or could do damage to other specific persons. Please note that published submissions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Gateway Gazette, staff, associates or family. The Gateway Gazette (along with anyone connected to the Gateway Gazette) does not assume any liability or responsibility in light of the opinions of others. With all of that out of the way, please feel free to send us your thoughts or opinions, preferably by email at: gazette@telus.net, you can fax them to: 938-2473, or you can drop them off in our drop-box at Coyote Moon in Turner Valley or at Pharmasave in Black Diamond.

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