Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Parting Shot.......And The Ricochet

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By Todd Curran

After recently accepting a new position in Calgary, I am no longer Managing Editor at the Gateway Gazette. Though I may not have a presence at the paper anymore, I leave my Publisher, Editor in Chief and Coworkers with a lasting legacy: Writers are enormously dysfunctional creatures.
This is not an attempt to flee some seething cauldron of angst; quite the opposite. My time here has been so pleasant, that I've often caused fights over whose day was more enjoyable. Although I've pranked everyone in this office, they've laughed along and can give as good as they get. My one regret is that I'll be leaving before I hired co-conspirators to drywall and paint over Pam and Tanya's office door. I hope corporate Calgary has a sense of humour.
In addition to thanking the Team for publishing the good in life, Thank YOU for reading, supporting this insurgent newspaper, offering suggestions, congratulating me on completing my community service, etc. It's been an honour and a pleasure to work at something I love for people that I like.
French novelist Anatole France wrote, “All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.”
Happy trails.
By Pam Jones
Parting is such sweet sorrow!
Since that Saturday, almost three years ago, when you arrived at our office and announced “I'm going to start work on Monday” you have never ceased to amaze us.
Tanya and I are still wondering how you found us!
Are we glad you decided to hire yourself? You bet and are we sad to say goodbye? You bet, but goodbye it won't be … “adieu” …. maybe… because you have threatened so many times to drywall and paint over our office door we will forever be waiting for the day you do! (However….. turn in your key!)
You became part of our 'family' and just like any kid that finally grows up and spreads his wings we are watching you set sail into the sunset and we sincerely wish you all the best in your newly chosen career.
Always on the cutting edge and thinking outside of the box your new direction will be both a challenge and an adventure for you. One we know your sense of humour will carry you through in your corporate way of life. And we too, fervently hope corporate Calgary has a sense of humour….but then again it must have - to have been able to steal you from us!
One last piece of advice from the 'mother' of this family……set your clocks half an hour ahead, save your six-gun jeans for Stampede week and don't give your new boss a heart attack with those firecrackers the first week (save them for the second)!
On a more serious note, we have thoroughly enjoyed Todd’s sense of humour and his articles. While Todd will not be gracing (terrorizing) the office with his presence, we did manage to strong-arm him into periodically providing articles during his off duty hours. Not a difficult match to win considering his passion for writing.

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