Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sheep River Library News

Click on the article headline if you would like to read our entire publication online, in original print format. To leave a comment, click the link at the bottom of this post. 

Penny Corradine, local artist and co-owner of Wolfpack Studio, has generously donated an amazing acrylic to the Sheep River Library titled Spring Storm. This painting of a storm, much like the one that recently and dramatically raged through town, is looking west at the foothills and mountains in our Sheep River area. The skies are unsettled, a mass of colour surrounding a sun and sundogs.

Throughout the years, Penny's painting practice has included several styles and mediums including oil, acrylics, watercolour, pencil, Prismacolor™ and pen and ink. She also has a large bronze sculpture of a buffalo to her credit. Her experience extends to graphic design, advertising and the visual presentation of ideas. She has juried into shows including the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, Artwalk and many of the Alberta Society of Artists shows.

Penny's work was on display during the opening celebration of the library and was available for viewing for the month of May and part of June. Sheep River is proud to have this magnificent painting on permanent display. Of course her other work can be seen just down the road in her studio.

Liz Sullivan's paintings of the Cure for Cancer fundraiser involving 2,500 cyclists is currently on display. This show will be followed by local artists over the remainder of summer and the fall months. Palma Heming has recently taken over the voluntary responsibility of arranging upcoming exhibitions. Anyone interested in exhibiting at the library can contact Palma through the library at 933-3278. Artists are invited to host an opening reception for invited guests once their work is up. While no charge is requested for the displays, it is expected that a small portion of sales be donated to the library.

The theme for the display coming this fall during Alberta Art Days is FLOWERS! Paintings, photos, quilts and arrangements will be part of this October exhibition. To be part of this 'flower power' demonstration, get your works of art ready and contact Palma!

Everyone is invited to the library on Friday, July 22nd between 2 and 4pm to say farewell to Muhammad as Librarian of Sheep River Library. The Board of Directors at the Sheep River Library regretfully accepted Muhammad's resignation last month. He has brought our library through the implementation of increased programming, expanded utilization of technology (videoconferencing) and enlarged the support base of volunteers. The biggest challenge in the last couple of years was working through the design stages of a new building, meetings with builders and finally the move into a new facility. At the same time he was establishing Graduate Foods, a family restaurant serving cuisine from his homeland, Pakistan. He has expressed a desire to concentrate on his family business and possibly move into a records management position. This mid-summer departure will give the board time to locate a replacement and, with Muhammad's capable assistance, to make a smooth transition before fall courses commence. Best wishes are extended to this very helpful, fine gentleman as he moves on with his new vocational endeavour. Bring your best wishes to the library on the 22nd.

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