The Grade 2 class in Millarville School has been investigating Numbers and Patterns this month. We recently wrote about the very important number zero. Here are some of the things that we wrote:
Zero is a bracelet when you start it. Zero is a baby before it gets born. Zero is a blank page. Zero is an empty water bottle. Zero is when you have no friends. (By Alexis).
Zero is a number. There are zero spiders in winter. There are zero leaves in fall. There are zero bears in winter. Zero is awesome. (By Dax).
Zero is the pond with nothing in it. Zero is the sound of the snowflakes when they drop on your mittens. Zero is the trees without leaves. Zero is the ducklings with no parents. Zero is nothing. (By Margaret).
Zero is the leaves in winter. Zero is the sound of snowflakes. Zero is the sound of the tide. Zero is the sound of ducks when winter comes. Zero is the snowflakes when summer comes. (By Jakob).
There are zero trees on cement. There are zero corners on a circle. There are zero kids at school after the bell. There are zero zeros in the number one. There is one zero in the number ten. (By Linden).
We have found that there are really only three types of patterns. Patterns are in numbers, letters, art, clothes, buildings and nature. Patterns are everywhere.
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