How many times have you heard this? Probably multiple times, or some rendition of it. I used to hear it and think 1 or 2 things. First, "yeah I know, I'm healthy, if I wasn't a doctor would tell me so." The second thought I'd have would be, "well that's nice to say, but what does it mean and what do I do about it?"
Maybe you're like me and think you're healthy. I'm going to tell you a startling fact. You're probably not. What?! How can he say that?! He doesn't even know how I live?! You're right, I don't and I might be wrong. But I do know most of the readers of this article live a standard North American lifestyle. For the most part that includes consuming toxic, non-nutritious foods, surrounding ourselves with poisons and toxins, not sleeping enough or properly, consuming too much alcohol, unhealthy fats and sugars, not dealing with negative stress properly, being bombarded with negative self image media and not exercising enough or properly. Just because you're not "sick" yet doesn't mean you're healthy. In the last several months I've known a few people who thought they were healthy get diagnosed with several different serious diseases. All of them were as a result of lifestyle.
The good news is there's lots you can do to start living again! Below are my top suggestions for getting your health back. Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year. We consume huge quantities of sugary foods and alcohol, are bombarded with negative stress and feel like we don't have enough time for ourselves. So this Holiday give yourself a gift, the gift of taking your health back. Remember this though, these suggestions won't work if you don't.
1. Make healthy food choices. Start reading the labels of what you're buying. If there's ingredients in the food that you don't know what they are, chances are you shouldn't be eating it.
2. Take a time out. Find a few moments here and there throughout the day to shut your eyes and take a deep breath. Tom Crum calls this "the centering breath." It only takes a couple seconds so stop making excuses why you can't find time to relax and make the whole world wait for you as you take your centering breath throughout the day.
3. Find time to exercise. I know you're busy and think you don't have time but you have to find 20 minutes 3 times per week minimum. If you don't you will be finding lots of time for hospital beds, doctor visits and medical treatments down the road.
4. Get to sleep. Go to bed with enough time allotted for a minimum 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. If you have trouble relaxing to sleep close your eyes and start breathing deep into your lower diaphragm. Don't even think about sleep, just start counting your breaths and let this deep breathing exercise do the rest.
The above suggestions are my Christmas gift to all of you. Following those 4 simple steps will make a massive difference in your life this Holiday season.
If you're interested in taking control of your own life again and beating lifestyle call us today at 403- 829-7897 or email to book a health and wellness consult.
Remember without your health there is no time for work, no time for family, no time for hobbies. You owe it to yourself and the people you love to take care of yourself. It's pretty hard to get to work when you're laid up in a hospital bed due to years of poor lifestyle decisions that you didn't even know you were making. In the end all you've got is your health.
Stay safe, be well.
Sensei Tom Gillis
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