Aries (March 20-April 19)
What at first seems like routine news may turn out to be more meaningful than it seems. Therefore, I suggest you think in terms of the implications of what you learn, and the possibilities of what it might represent for you. You seem to be pushing for big changes, or they seem to be calling to you. Anything you learn, any information that comes your way, has the power to lead to new ideas, and thus may represent a turning point. You will have to listen; pay attention to the details. There are two distinct sides to any news that may seem strange or jarring, and I am not saying this as a truism. Look for the silver lining and keep thinking in that direction. It is not a side benefit; it is the whole point.
Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Remember your negotiation skills. I only remind you because negotiation is not in vogue these days -- making demands is, typically in the style of all or nothing. Given that nobody needs it all, but nothing does not suffice, keep in mind that the essence of negotiation is making sure everyone gets the basics covered. You can afford to think with a little more foresight than necessary. Devise a way of consciously prioritizing. And you will have to be the one who rises above any atmosphere (or perceived intention) of less than pleasant psychology. Part of being a professional is contributing to reducing tensions. The question is, 'What if everyone acted this way?' Many people don't realize it but they are waiting for someone else to set a good example -- you're that example.
Gemini (May 20-June 21)
You seem to be at the mercy of what a partner is experiencing -- and you probably think you have little influence over the outcome. The more appropriate thing to wonder is whether you want any influence, and if so, what. The situation seems clearly designed as something you need to adapt to, which is another way of saying you're dealing with a force larger than yourself. What you experience may seem like you've reached a turning point in a relationship, but in truth you've arrived at a point of no return in your own life -- and the relationship is just a reflection of that. Remember the Serenity Prayer, and remember the most important part is 'the wisdom to know the difference' -- and I would add: then you must use that information well.
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