The first item of this column is to update the branch closing schedule for the Family Day weekend. Contrary to what was reported in our last column, there will be the usual Friday evening buffet on the 17th but the branch will be closed as announced on Saturday the 18th.
We have witnessed an increase in the number of members and guests at the Friday evening buffets. The changes to the menu and pricing have brought very positive feedback and the executive looks forward to more of your comments whether or not they are complimentary. As an aside, the next Seniors' dinner is on Monday, February 27th at 5pm.
The branch recently received a handsome donation of more than $2,000 from Tilly Jackson in memory of her late father, Sgt Gerard Hogan who served in WWII and Korea as well as Regular Force. With her approval the donation was used to bring the computer systems into the 21st century for which our volunteer office “manager” and the membership committee are enormously grateful.
The children of the area enjoyed a great Saturday event at the “Jelly Bean Dance” arranged by the entertainment committee. Feedback was entirely positive and reflects well the Legion's commitment to our community.
The monthly General Meeting on February 14th saw the initiation of an unusually large number of new members. We welcome them into our service tradition and look forward to their contributions to the welfare of the branch its veterans and its outreach.
On Monday, February 6th, the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession, at an outside ceremony by the flag pole, a number of members met at 6pm to honour her achievement. A carillon of bells originally played on VE Day in 1945 was heard followed by the Royal Anthem. A rousing three cheers was called for Her Majesty, following which the members moved inside where a toast was offered for her health. The Sovereign's Canadian Flag was proudly flown for part of the day including the ceremony itself.
The Honours and Awards Committee has started work on this year's programme. For this to be successful we require input from members. We ask that you look around the branch and nominate those whom you believe have made significant contributions over a period of years. Our website has information on the various levels of these awards from a Certificate of Appreciation through to Life Member and Meritorious Service Awards.
The committee will receive recommendations for local approval up to February 29th. We require this much lead time before the presentations on Saturday, May 26th as most awards must ultimately be approved at either Provincial and/or Dominion Command. This approval depends on the nominee achieving a level of service that meets national standards and will also include service in the community beyond the Legion. The evidence of that commitment is contained only in the citation which is based on member input and submitted by the committee.
Finally, planning for the “Vimy Day” Parade in Turner Valley is in its preliminary stages. This year, as on that fateful day in 1917, April 9th falls on Easter Monday. We honour those Canadians who, in their first campaign under its own leadership, achieved in a relatively short time what no other army had been able to do over months of fighting; they dislodged the German defenders from the Ridge and opened up the possibility of an ultimate Allied victory. More detail later.
Serving Veterans, our Youth, Seniors and the Community at large.
~ Malcolm Hughes
Three Cheers for her Royal Highness!
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