Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Millarville Cowboy Church

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Submitted by Dan Carruthers
“Just west of the racetrack.” “Racetrack?” “You know, off the back road to Okotoks, 549? Well we're on 549 just off 22 before the race track, north side” “Used to look like a saloon but now it looks like a million dollar ranch house.” “Cowboy Church is second and fourth Thursdays at 7:00 pm.”
Some say we're in the middle of nowhere. In fact we're in the middle of somewhere, some of the most beautiful ranch country in Alberta framed by the Rocky Mountains. And guess who made it?
The God of the universe reveals Himself in His creation. The Bible says, “For what can be known about God is plain to them . . . His attributes . . . have been clearly perceived . . . in the things that have been made.” Growing up so close to God's creation can't help but stir the soul but this stirring is even more dramatic when you move from the city into a rural setting. On the other hand, old timers are often afflicted by that syndrome where you no longer hear the train that comes by everyday at four. Soon you forget to stop and “smell the flowers” or even be thankful for them. Then there are the trials of life that can wear you down. That's why Cowboy Church is for you – it can bring you back to life and remind you or introduce you to someone bigger than you and give you a new hope.
Now the real cowboys of the past would not be my first choice of a virtuous character model. But, these guys lived close to God's creation and most of them knew a little about who gave them that horse they're riding, the rain (snow) in the spring or that mountain top view that takes their breath away. When they heard the gospel of Jesus Christ it all made sense and a new life began. God gently wooed these hardened men, softened their hearts and made them mighty men of this range called the world, all for His glory.
That's what happened to John and Deb Baker. These two knew a little about hard hearts and heartache but while seeking solace in God's creation they met Jesus. Now those changed hearts are for their neighbours. In April, 2009 John and Deb reached out with the help of the Fellowship of Christian Cowboys, Millarville Community Church and the Band of Brothers to the community of which they are a part. By God's grace Millarville Cowboy Church was born.
Twice a month an assemblage of hearts (not just cowboys) in various conditions gather to share God's goodness with those who choose to come. For some it’s curiosity – Cowboys go to church! For others it's a lot less threatening than going to a 'real church'. It's a time to gather with friends and neighbours to see our common need for Jesus Christ and to hear of His goodness. Oh there's great music, stories and bad jokes but in the end it's about God's awesome love reaching out to sinners with a promise of life more abundant.
Thanks John and Deb, it's an honour to ride for the brand with you.

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