Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Supporters Saddle Up For Cole

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By Todd Curran
The Cole Irvine Benefit Rodeo brought a lot of support to the Irvine family, as cowboys and cowgirls strapped on their chaps for a helluva show.
Since Cole experienced a devastating injury this summer, his friends, family and community have rallied to make his transition as comfortable as possible. The September 10th Benefit Rodeo at Millarville Race Track is the latest in a series of events held in Cole's honour, and hundreds of people came out to show their support.
Rodeo riders volunteered to compete for donations in team roping, barrel racing, bronc riding, bull riding and other events. A kiwi cowboy from New Zealand saddled up and rode a bison while cracking his whip for the crowd, warming them up to bid on their favourite riders in the Calcutta.
All of the talent, time, effort and goods were donated to this event, which also featured live music, pig roast, beer gardens, silent auction and other spectacular entertainment. “It was amazing!” says event organizer Lori Collins. “We raised over $50,000! People stayed all day and all night long. A lot of work went into this event and it was well worth it. Cole's family will be fine and he'll have money for his treatment, which was the whole idea behind this.”
One of the most notable silent auction items was a framed photo of Cole taken on a cattle drive, which went to a lucky and generous bidder for $1,100. “That impressed the hell out of me,” Lori says. “That just shows the great mentality of the people who came out.”
Logan Trottier has opened a trust account under John Cole Irvine at ATB in Black Diamond, which anyone can donate to.

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