Monday, March 28, 2011

The Life of A 'Yin-Inspired' Artist

(Page 13)

So here we are, a few days into Spring and we still have snow all over the ground. How are you really feeling about that?

According to Feng Shui healing, too much precipitation is equal to having too much 'yin'. In other words, too much emotion. And so we binge on food and drink, we hibernate in our beds just a few minutes longer, vegetate extensively in front of the TV, we harp on pet peeves at work, at home, even at fun social events. What we need is the sunshine to bring things back into balance. Sunshine is 'yang' and it cheers us up and puts us into action like nothing else can! Without it, we could zip away to some tropical, or as a minimum, a warmer locale? Attend a Hot Yoga class? Soak up the heat in a sauna, hot tub or tanning bed? Truth is, all we need is the vitamin D from the sun, or at the very least, a break from our emotions running rampant like spoiled toddlers!
As an artist with too much yin, I've managed to utilize my emotions to work for me. And since my teaching schedule offers me everlasting inspirations, I've always got a zillion projects to dive into. Step one: Focus on how I'm feeling. Step two: Relax. Step three: Get involved. And thanks to this awareness, in just two weeks, I was able to complete two highly technical, but very telling still life pieces titled: 'Emptiness' and 'Indulgences'. Every minute, hour, day and night spent on it were exceedingly therapeutic. In fact, a fellow artist recognized emotions in one that I didn't even realize I'd portrayed! And boy, did I feel good! So the next time you find yourself bogged down with an over-abundance of emotions/frustrations, take a minute and think: Did you get your vitamin D today?

~Love and light from The Real RobiN Thibodeau

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