Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Life of An Artist and her Lists

Are you enjoying the lovely sunny weather this October? I love the sunny days, they keep me operating with the energy of pure happiness. And today I was on a mission: Drop my mom's dog off at groomers, deliver the recyclables at the depot, pick up prizes for my art students and replace a lamp for my studio. And speaking of eccentric, I've been reading through my growing collection of Leonardo da Vinci books. For several years I've been an admirer of his and his insatiably curious mind is so very compelling. I can only assume he was a list-maker. How else could he have accomplished so many magnificent things? The 'Maestro' himself has been described as being a supremely gifted artist, engineer, biologist, physicist, inventor, grand event planner, costume designer, playwright and musician. Cool huh?
Are you a list-maker? Do you let your 'to do' lists, grocery lists, lists of upcoming events control your life? But doesn't it feel superb when you check off the very last item on your list? If you're anything like me, or da Vinci, while you're completing your first list you've already got a new one to tackle. Okay, maybe I have an obsession. Maybe I should have my own show on TLC: 'Extreme List-Makers'? Artists and art teachers, have a never ending list of art supplies to stock, lessons to plan, artworks to inventory, price, pack up, set up, sell and record sales. Some lists are indeed important, but they don't have to happen instantly. Imagine how da Vinci felt when it took weeks or months for supplies to arrive by foot messengers! (He was also known to take very long breaks…) Although, in our day and age, what I think we all need to remember to enjoy the satisfaction of completing them. Relax. Take a break, walk the dog for fun, take a nap on the couch after watching a movie… TLC can wait. Let's do ourselves a favour and smile at our accomplishments.
~Love and light from The Real RobiN Thibodeau

1 comment:

  1. I really like your structure. It's all about good sense and easy reading facts.
