Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Life of A Visual Artist

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So, who is looking forward to the New Moon? We all know how the Full Moon affects us especially those precious preschoolers! Even Big Business, religiously avoids scheduling important events on Full Moons. Our satellite is a receptor of enormous electromagnetic power. Gravity has power over nearly everything. Only ONE element that gravity has no control over is water. Our moon controls the tides of our massive oceans. And since we humans are made up of 70% water, then it's no wonder the moons' phases affect us so strongly. What about the New Moon? Visualize this: when you focus on what you want or don't want, during the waxing of the New Moon, it's almost as if it is gathering all of our thoughts collectively and then releasing our thoughts or 'desires' back to us.

Here's a neat little trick for you. On the advent (waxing) of the New Moon, (the next one: May 3rd) make a real wish just for you. Visualize how important it is to you that it come true and then make it happen in your mind. Believe it is already taking place. Maybe you want to win a sack of cash or you're dying for a vacation somewhere wonderfully tropical. (Seriously, who isn't?) Do not focus on 'how' it will come true or how it may affect your current situation. That is not up to you. Picture it. Draw it out! Make a collage of pictures that represent it and put your own photo in it. Ensure your thoughts remain positive. Write down how much fun or how relaxing it will be. Drop the old adage that if you tell someone your wish, it won't come true. That's crazy. Tell everyone about what you expect to happen. People who love you will also start to visualize your wish coming true. It’s all in your perspective. Mother Theresa only wanted peace above everything else and when she was asked to attend an 'Anti-War Rally' (consider what kind of thoughts those attendees would have) she replied: “Invite me to a Peace Rally, and I'll be there.” Be focused ONLY on what you WANT.

~Love and light from The Real RobiN Thibodeau

1 comment:

  1. Well done Robin! I've never paid much attention to the moon cycles, but I'm going to heed your advice on this... one thing's for sure, it can't hurt! :-)
