By Michele Geistlinger on behalf of Chey Nickerson
Well it sure does not look like late April as I write this column! We hope that Chey has been enjoying better weather than we have been privy to.
Longview A R C Society enrolled Longview in the Communities Choosewell program and is looking at a variety of ways that community members can participate. The objectives are geared towards residents making simple lifestyle changes based on eating better and being more active. Over 140 communities throughout Alberta have enrolled in the program and we will be competing against them for a variety of prizes ranging from recognition to cash for enhancing healthy living initiatives. The Choosewell group specifically focuses on communities that Reduce Barriers to Healthy Living for Teens and Tweens (i.e.: lack of access to recreational facilities or affordable healthy foods), Create Healthy Opportunities (i.e.: healthy cooking classes, community garden, walking groups, Mom and Tot groups), Build Community Capacity (i.e.: partnerships with other community groups or other communities) and Provide Health Education (i.e.: presentations on health issues, ensuring specific messages promoting healthy living get out to the community via posters and mass media).
One initiative that is all laid out complete with a scoring method is an Iron Chef Challenge. We are looking for interested people to help tailor our Choosewell program to suit our community needs whether it is the Iron Chef challenge or Walking Club or something completely different. There is even a category for spontaneous Acts of Exercise! Wow, how interesting, I guess we will need to look into that one and determine what it means. If you are interested in helping your community to become more healthy and fit please contact Michele at: or call the Village Office, 403-558-3922, leave your number and someone from the ARC Society will call you. If you would like more information on this valuable program please go to:
On another note the Little New York Daze Festival committee is hosting a Battle of the Bands on May 14th at East Longview Hall in order to raise funds for Little New York Daze. Check it out if you enjoy seeing new talented bands from Alberta. Tickets may be purchased at Highway 22 Liquor Store (Longview), Sally's Bar and Grill (High River), Cougars Sports Bar and Grill (Turner Valley) and the Longview Hotel.
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