Due to the necessary restrictions of print deadlines, full coverage of the Sheep River Library’s Grand Opening could not make it in to this edition of the Gateway Gazette. But be sure to watch for the next edition the week of May 10th for the full story which will be covered in the usual, generous Gazette style - as always, we truly appreciate the extensive coverage our local community newspaper - the Gazette - gives us.
Penny Corradine of Wolfpack Studio is the first artist to display her creations in the new community gallery space. This show is a compilation of Penny's newest work with some of her work from the past. Penny and Bill Faulkner started their studio in 1990 and can be found in their main street blue building (the one with paintings all over it) pursuing their many talents of editing, painting, photography and publishing The Sheep River Traveller. “The library is going to be a great local resource” comments Penny, “and I am eager to receive comments and hope people enjoy looking at my work.” Other artists are encouraged to contact the library to sign up to display their creative works.
The Dogtooth Mountain Film Group held their premier show, The Colour of Paradise, on April 25th. This is the first of a series of films to be shown on the fourth Monday of every month. Sign up at the library to be on the film group's information distribution network. Plans are in the works for a documentary series which will include discussion of the filmed topics. A Saturday Matinee series for kids is also under development.
Newly launched is the Sheep River Library website: www.sheepriverlibrary.ca. While this website is under development, you can tune into basic information like hours of operation, new books, programs, activities at the library, special events and guidelines for using the facility.
Terrific Tuesday Talks and Tea, an afternoon series of information presentations and discussion, launched its first session on Tuesday the 26th. These sessions, organized by Doris Daley and a team of volunteers, will be held the fourth Tuesday of every month from 2 until 3:30pm.
The Sheep River Library will be presented the 2011 Minister's Award for Innovation in Public Library Service at the Alberta Library Conference, April 29th. The award is given for the “Wildlife Program” delivered through the RISE videoconference network which included topics on endangered species throughout the province and the sessions devoted to Bears delivered through the March 2010 Bear Month. This project was a partnership endeavour with major support given by Sustainable Resource Development and Tourism, Parks and Recreation, the specialists who delivered the sessions, the Marigold Video-conference team and other libraries throughout the province.
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