Monday, August 15, 2011

Sheep River Library News

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The Board of Directors of the Sheep River Library are pleased to announce that Jan Burney, a resident of Turner Valley, has been appointed to the position of Library Manager. Jan by far meets the majority of required qualifications from amongst the 14 applications received. She has demonstrated time management skills and her community involvement shows experience in public service, forming and sustaining partnerships, and strong organizational and communications skills. Attention to details and establishing workable procedures and guidelines are a priority with her. Jan commenced her new position on Monday, July 25th. Please drop in and visit Jan in her new position.

There will be a few changes to the Board of Directors due to the resignation of Jo Kelleher-Williams and Ernestine Dumont, both of whom have agreed to serve in voluntary capacities on special projects. Pam Vipond has been appointed by the Town of Black Diamond. Pam has implemented several programs at the library including the Community Kitchen, TIPS (Treasurers in ProgresS) Telling Your Story and Managing Final Stages of Life. Garry Pollock has been appointed by the Town of Turner Valley. Garry served on the board as a council representative and was instrumental in handling the transportation of materials and furnishings during the move. Welcome Pam, Garry and new Turner Valley Council appointee, Lane Park.

The FALL PROGRAM is all lined up with amazing new courses, seminars and workshops. You will be able to sneak a peek by checking into the library`s web page: Registration will commence during the Turner Valley Art in the Park event on Saturday, August 13th. Stop into the library to pick up a program brochure and be the first to sign up. The four Travel Talks slated for this fall will cover South America, Iraq and the Yukon with hints from humourist Dave Heron on how not to fall prey to travel scams. Dog Tooth Mountain Film Group will be featuring films from Japan, Germany and Canada. McBride Career Group will be offering four courses on Career Development and there will four computer courses. Be sure to check out the three programs offered on Tuesday afternoons under the Terrific Tuesday Talks and Tea banner. New programs to the library include Yoga for Adults and Yoga for Mom`s and Tots, Events and Festival Planning and Flower Power.

Literacy for Life will be offering a much expanded series of programs for children at the Sheep River Library including Toddler Time, Movers and Shakers, Rhythm and Rhyme, Book Buddies and the very popular Dog Tales. Sign up for these courses on line at either at home or online at the library. The big addition to library programming is a series of activities scheduled for the six Fridays when the schools are closed all day. During these PD days, movies will be shown every morning. The afternoons will have scheduled events managed by the Boys and Girls Club including special speakers. Check out the web page to see who’s coming!

With a grant from FCSS Black Diamond, lots of new resource materials will be in place by fall. Groups involved in partnering with the library to put on lifelong learning experiences have been asked to suggest reading and resource materials to augment their programs. A magnificent series of books on astronomy will supplement the program that will be offered by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Games and “how to” books for youth will be on the shelves especially for use during PD Days. A huge number of genealogy and quilt books have been added to the collections over the summer. And new materials are arriving every day. Come check us out!

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