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Brought to you by: Ted Menzies, M.P. Macleod Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance
Did you know that…
Earlier this month Minister Ritz announced that our Government will ensure that Western Canadian grain farmers are given the freedom to choose whether to sell grain on the open market or through the Canadian Wheat Board. We want to work with the grain industry to find positive, constructive solutions for moving the sector toward a brighter economic future.
We believe that all Canadian farmers should be able to position their businesses to capture the marketing opportunities that are open to them. By allowing market freedom, grain growers will be able to market based on what is best for their own business. This decision will attract investment, encourage innovation, create value-added jobs and build a stronger Canadian economy. For more information:
Did you know that…
the Minister of State for Seniors Alice Wong recently highlighted that more than 680,000 of Canada's lowest-income seniors will now benefit from the most significant increase to the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) in 25 years. Canada's seniors built our country and they deserve our thanks, which is why your government is taking strong action to support seniors and includes the largest Guaranteed Income Supplement increase in a quarter century. Since 2006 your Government has provided over $2.3 billion in annual tax relief for seniors and pensioners, removed 380,000 seniors from the tax rolls completely, introduced pension income splitting, ushered in an automatic renewal of the GIS, made significant investments in affordable housing for low-income seniors and doubled the pension income credit. As pledged in the Speech from the Throne, your Government will also combat elder abuse in all its forms and raise awareness of this serious issue. We have also extended the Targeted Initiative for Older Workers and eliminated the mandatory retirement age for federally-regulated employees; giving seniors who want to remain active in the workforce the freedom to make that choice. We're also working to introduce the new Pooled Registered Pension Plan to better help older workers save and build their retirement income. Your government received a strong mandate from Canadians to improve seniors' quality of life. That's why we are working hard to ensure that our policies, programs and services continue to provide opportunities for seniors to improve their well-being and quality of life.
For further information, please contact:
The Office of the Honourable Ted Menzies at (613) 995-8471
For further information about Government updates and news in the Riding please visit my website at:
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