Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Legion Leanings

As reported in our last column, our “Early Bird” membership drive is well under way. We encourage all our members to pay their annual dues before November 30th to be eligible for a full refund of those dues if theirs is one of the six lucky names drawn at the conclusion of the campaign.
On Sunday the 11th, our September Memorial paid tribute to those Canadians who fought in the Battle of Britain (September 15th is the Official Commemorative Date) along with the men who fought in the Italian campaign which kicked off in September of 1943. In addition, we acknowledged the decisive battles which secured Soeul in the Korean War. We were privileged to have two of our local firefighters participate as we honoured the 343 members of the New York Fire Department who lost their lives in the Twin Towers devastation. We also had on display the City of New York Flag along with the New York City Fire Department Flag, both of which were sent to our branch shortly after the “incident” as a “thank you” for our response. They are currently in the safe keeping of the Turner Valley Fire Department.
Recently, our Branch secured a grant of some $85,000 for Cemetery expansion. Our representative will be working with the other members of the Cemetery Board to develop the plans for utilising the money. If you have had occasion to be at the cemetery, you will notice a new Canadian flag has replaced the one which was becoming a little frayed.
While our membership drive continues, plans are well under way for our largest public effort of every year. I refer to the annual “Poppy Campaign.” In late October, member volunteers will be approaching local businesses in Turner Valley, Black Diamond, Okotoks, Longview, Bragg Creek and De Winton. Poppies usually go on sale some ten to twelve days before November 11th during “Veterans' Week.” We will also be in stores selling poppies. Funds raised are controlled and may be used ONLY for the welfare of veterans and their dependents. There will be more on this topic later. In the meantime, we are pleased that the Oilfields High School has once again agreed to the use of the gymnasium for our annual Remembrance Day Ceremony. It was such a success last year with the larger seating area and we look forward to the same again. We want to thank the administration, staff and students for their cooperation.
Veterans' Week is the time when we visit schools in the area to participate in their Remembrance assemblies and talk about our experiences. It is also when the hundreds of local students put pen and other media to paper for the annual Poster and Literary Competition. For the past two years at least, our Branch has had more entries than any other branch in Canada. Once again we thank the administrators, teachers and students for their participation as well as the judges who have the most difficult task of deciding on the “winners.”
At our opening General Meeting of the Fall, our Sports Chairman announced the start of the weekly sports nights. Crib has started on Thursdays; Darts and Poker on Wednesdays; Pool League on Tuesdays.
Upcoming events include a “Veterans' Appreciation” Dinner on October 1st and all Veterans, whether members of the Legion or not are invited. We have a “Spaghetti Dinner and Jam Session Featuring John Storch & Friends” on the 14th. The Children's Spook House will run from 28th to 31st October with the Hallowe'en Party jointly sponsored by the Legion and the Foothills Lions Club set for October 29th.
Finally, plans are well in hand for the launch of our new programme which will see two bursaries awarded to students in each of the two Okotoks High Schools as well as the Oilfields High School. The committee responsible for the programme will finalise the details shortly and each school will be afforded a full explanation this Fall.

Serving Veterans, our Youth, Seniors and the Community.
Comrade Malcolm Hughes

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