Monday, October 10, 2011

Longview School - Let Learning Soar

A big thank you goes out to Mr. Musgrove and all the parents for making the grade 5/6 outdoor education camp so amazing. The grade 5/6 class camped at Sandy McNabb from September 14th to September 16th. Important outcomes in the curriculums of Science and Physical Education were studied, as well as, important team building and survival skills were learned. Kindergarten, Grade 1/2 and Grade 3/4 classes joined the Grade 5/6 class at Sandy McNabb Group Camp for the day on Friday for a variety of outdoor activities. It was a fun filled day of activities based around appreciating our natural environment and the beautiful area in which we live. Students took photos and sketched landscapes using oil pastels, created artwork that incorporated elements of nature, participated in orienteering exercises and a nature / wilderness scavenger hunt. Students hiked around this lovely provincial park and beat the staff/parents in a tug-o-war match. Students were provided with a brown bag lunch and a snack. The weather was wonderful and it was great to see all the parents that participated and volunteered to make the day a memory making event. Longview School is a great school! The support we receive from our parents and the community is outstanding! This support helps nurture the growth of our students in their learning.
Students participate in school wide Eagle Pride activities every Friday afternoon at Longview School. These team building and pride activities energize and engage our students to always do their best in everything they do! About every six weeks during our Eagle Pride Time we have a Talent Show and Share Showcase, where students get the opportunity to share with the whole school and parents any special musical, artistic or athletic abilities or talents they may have. We have had students play the piano, guitar, baritone, clarinet, bagpipes. We have had students sing, demonstrate hockey moves, martial arts, skipping, hula hoop tricks, carpentry skills and tell jokes. We had our first Talent, Show and Share Day on Friday, September 9th where many students exhibited their talents. Students, staff and parents alike, really enjoy this sharing activity. We encourage everyone to enjoy the fun at our next Talent Show and Share on Friday, November 18th. Longview students will be climbing Longview Hill at 12:15 pm on Thursday, September  22nd in support of Terry Fox. Donations, parents and participants are more than welcome to join us and we hope the weather cooperates.
Everyone is encouraged to come out and support our flag football team, coached by Mr. Musgrove. There are a number of away and home games on Tuesdays and Thursdays over the next month. The students are very excited and have been practicing hard. They would absolutely love spectators and a cheering section. We will celebrate the start of the flag football season with a pep rally before the start of our first home game against Turner Valley School on Tuesday, September 20th and will have the whole school watching and cheering on the home team. GO EAGLES!

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