It is that time in our year when the Legion kicks into a higher gear as we undertake our most important mission: that of raising the funds we require to look after our needy veterans and their descendants.
Our Poppy Distribution Campaign follows an orderly and prescribed routine. Wreaths are distributed to those commercial outlets who wish to display them. Following the presentation of the first Poppy to our Governor General in Ottawa on Wednesday, 26th October and Provincially to the Lieutenant Governor in the morning of Thursday the 28th we will present Poppies to our local Civic Leaders at the Cenotaph at 1 pm. Mayors from Black Diamond, Turner Valley, Longview and Okotoks have been invited along with our local MD Councillor and the majority have indicated that they or a representative will attend.
Poppies will be available to the general public from Friday, October 28 until Thursday November 10th. They will also be available at the various ceremonies on Remembrance Day. Trays can be found during that time in many of the smaller stores in the region, and Legion Members will be out in the larger stores and other locations. It should be noted that Poppies are to be worn on the left side above the heart and should be taken off after noon on November 11th. A very meaningful way to do this would be to place them at a cenotaph or on the grave of a deceased veteran.
Many people continue to ask “how much?” The answer is always the same. They are not for sale. We distribute these symbols of sacrifice and hope and in return we ask only that you make an affordable donation to the Poppy Fund. For significantly larger donations, made at the Legion, we can offer Tax Certificates.
Ceremonies will be held at various locations in the region, and we urge everyone to take part. Our Legion will hold its ceremony in the Oilfields High School in Black Diamond. The Colour Party will march the colours on at 10:30 am.
Many of us will be attending and often speaking at the twenty-two schools in our area as they pay tribute to our fallen comrades. The students and staff go to great lengths to honour our veterans and I personally look forward to them. These ceremonies are always a great occasions for us. The productions rarely fail to impress this retired principal.
In other activities, the entertainment committee has once again produced a wonderful “Spook House” for the children's Hallowe'en Party being held on October 29th from 1 pm to 3 pm. There will be games, hot-dogs and candy in addition to the ghosts and goblins. This Spook House is open to the general public from October 28 to 31 for a donation of $2. It is jointly sponsored by the Legion and the Foothills Lions' Club.
On November 5th our Ladies' Auxiliary will be holding their annual Shopping Spree and Bake Sale from 9 am to 2:30 pm. There will be a variety of wares available. Come out and support the LA. You could buy some great Christmas Gifts.
The details of our new and much expanded Student Bursary Programme have been finalised and adopted by the membership. We will present these at the three High Schools in the area shortly after November 11th . We look forward to working with the schools as we seek qualified students for these trust funds.
Finally, a reminder about the ongoing “Early Bird” campaign for the 2012 membership renewals; it runs to November 30th, and all who pay before that time will be entered for the draw in which six members will have the option of a refund of their dues or the pre-payment of their 2013 membership.
Serving our Veterans, Seniors, Youth and the Community.
Comrade Malcolm Hughes.
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