Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 78, Turner Valley - POPPY CAMPAIGN 2011: A HUGE SUCCESS

Once again our communities have exceeded the expectations of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 78 Turner Valley. From Bragg Creek in the North, to Longview in the South; from Turner Valley in the West, to Aldersyde in the East; the response from the people to aid our country's vets in need and to assist other needs in our communities was outstanding.
This success is not possible without the help of businesses and organizations throughout this area. As the Poppy Campaign Chairman, I wish to thank all of these organizations for their cooperation in allowing us to place Poppy trays in your establishments.
I also would like to thank all of the volunteers for their time and effort in distributing Poppy trays throughout our communities. Without your efforts, none of this success is possible.
The generosity of the members of our communities was, once again phenomenal and for that we are extremely thankful. The monies donated to this cause are held in trust by the Royal Canadian Legion and may only be used in accordance to strict guidelines laid out by our Dominion Command. Branch 78 will do our best to ensure that these funds are used as much as possible in our own communities while still adhering to those guidelines. The total contributions reached an outstanding $43,000.
The last campaign funds were used to assist veterans in our communities and a donation of $10,000 was made to the Outward Bound Program which assists veterans across Alberta to return to civilian life. The fund also provided financial assistance to the Sheep River Health Trust for equipment that would be used to enhance the health care of vets and the elderly in our area. That donation was for $12,500. For the coming year we will make available six bursaries to three high schools for the children and grandchildren of vets and currently serving members of our armed forces. Three bursaries will be available to students entering a degree course at a university and three will be available to students entering a technical or trades program at a technical institution. We will seek out other opportunities in our area to assist with programs in accordance to Dominion Guidelines.
Thank-you, again, to all of you for making this campaign a success.

Floyd Schatz
1st Vice-president
Poppy Campaign Chairman
Royal Canadian Legion
Branch 78 Turner Valley

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