November brought shorter, colder days and lots of bone-chilling mornings as the Millarville Saddle Sores 4-H kids trudged out through the snow to their waiting horses. We were kept busy with Christmas decorating at the Millarville Racetrack and a gymkhana, as well as the usual meetings and rides. The gymkhana was the evening before the Christmas decorating. The gymkhana was put together and run by the Rodeo Project kids: Nevada Rowe, Megan Rawn and Shaelynn Brogden. As always, it was really exciting and we had a ton of fun! We had a barrel racing clinic with Lori Wavercam Lohnes on October 29th so we put some of her ideas to use at the gymkhana. Everyone is getting really fast on their project horses. Christmas decorating on November 5th was entertaining, especially when Nevada Rowe climbed into the tree to attach two cords of lights together and ended up throwing pinecones at us! One of the moms went up in the tractor bucket to hang up a banner by the arena. That would have been scary. The Social club met prior to our Club meeting on November 25th to discuss the Christmas party. Then everyone else arrived and we had a Club meeting. The next morning at the ride…well let's just say not many people were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
December came along and although we didn't have a ton of events this month, we still had fun! December 3rd was our first ride and it was surprisingly nice when we rode but got colder in the afternoon. Next was our Christmas party on December 9th. We held the party at the Millarville School gym and spent the night playing games like Musical Chairs, Duck Duck Goose, volleyball and badminton. We had pizza and pop, followed by a huge selection of desserts. We also did a Secret Santa gift exchange. That was really fun! People started to clear out after that and the remaining group went skating on the Millarville ice. Unfortunately, a ride was scheduled the next day, so everyone was pretty tired. At the end of the ride, our instructor, Cassandra Day, had us do the Delsey Derby. This is when two riders hold a length of toilet paper while they try to ride in tandem. My partner and I didn't do so well since we both had mares and they were acting up. After the ride, some of our Club members participated in the 4-H District Charity Hamper Packing. Our club donated cleaning supplies for the hampers. That was it for the month of December and we look forward to the rest of our 4-H year in 2012!