Find out what the Foothills Lions Club are doing in your community and consider joining this hardworking group.
Submitted by Lion James Lee
A community is comprised of many great people, events and the deeds associated with the citizens. It is a wheel, a hub of life for the denizens. This wheel is composed of many spokes that directly link back to the “hub” (the people of the community). The Foothills Lions Club is a spoke in that wheel. We lend assistance in a myriad of ways to our community. We have cooked many meals for other organizations such as the Boys and Girls Club. We have supplied firewood and tended the fires for Light Up and insured that Santa had our community children on his radar and showed up to greet them. We have funded a multitude of initiatives locally, such as donating the money for the new kitchen at the Griffith's Centre, helping fund the Seniors Fun Bus and providing some of the resources to offset the costs of the exceptional Outward Bound Program at Oilfields High School. We have in the past sponsored Hockey tournaments, bought musical instruments for the high school, supported programs in Longview and Turner Valley and Millarville Schools.
We continue to entertain, participate and fund good events within our community, for good people, for good reasons. It might appear that we are blowing our own horn, but it is important to get the word out and to continue to be a strong spoke in the community wheel. We need to constantly up grade our core strength, our membership, so that we can increase the work we do within our community. The New Year is upon us, perhaps you would like to help strengthen our spoke. We are always receptive to new members and we meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at the Turner Valley Legion. Membership into the world's largest Service Organization entails investing 3 to 6 hours per month (including 2 meetings) so, for a small investment of time, you can affect many lives in a positive way. Interested parties can email James Lee at or call me at (403)-933-2922 or contact Barry Crane at:
Our next Lions’ Bingo happens January 6th at 7:00pm at the Valley Neighbours Club in Turner Valley.
The Foothills Lions Club
“Serving Our Community”
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