First let's start with some facts about the Gateway Gazette:
- locally, independently owned newspaper
- operated by a small staff of 4-6 people
- is not part of a larger conglomerate or any other publication
- focuses on hyper-local, “good news”
- does not cover mainstream “doom & gloom”
- revenue is solely derived from advertisers
Points about our Grassroots print edition:
- distributed via Canada Post, various Foothills businesses and our bright red, outdoor newsstands
- inserted into every mailbox from Priddis to Longview
- reaches about 55% more residences than flyers
- subscriptions available to out of area readers
Points about our Grande online edition:
- is available online for free, in original print format
- articles fed into online blog
- blog is available via RSS feed
- qualifying ads also posted within our blog
- utilizes Social Media through Facebook, Twitter and Linked-In
- online exposure aids in providing a wider reach for our content and advertisers
So there you have it folks, the Gateway Gazette is YOUR community newspaper with the focus of bringing the GOOD of your community to you – both in print and online. And because of our very limited staff we not only accept, but encourage everyone to submit locally relevant articles that will be of interest to other residents – this helps you and us (with our limited staff) as we simply aren't able to personally attend to every article worthy of reaching the pages of the Gazette. In your travels also don't forget to let our advertisers know how much you appreciate receiving the Gazette by shopping locally and telling them that you saw their ad in the Gateway Gazette!
Next edition will give you some more insight into the content we print, where it comes from and the dos and don'ts of article submissions.
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