Saturday, January 28, 2012

Legion Leanings - Things Are Cooking

A New Year brings new faces to the Turner Valley Legion but this is still your best deal in town for a great meal!

Happy New Year to everyone! What a great start to the year weather wise and equally for the ninety-odd members and guests who attended the Gala Dinner and Dance. What a way to end the old and bring in the new.
The changes that were mentioned in our last submission are now in effect, with Comrade Wayne Odegard assuming the administrative responsibilities previously carried out by our manager, Tyler Bray. Wayne will receive very welcome assistance from other members, not least of whom is Betty Foran in the accounting department.
Similarly, Buryl Poittris has assumed the role as Kitchen Manager from Wendy Williamson who went out with a bang on New Year's Eve, though for the next few weeks Wendy will be very visible as she assists Buryl to effect a smooth changeover. We thank you Wendy, not only for your long service to this Branch but also for your continued commitment to our members.
The kitchen hours remain substantially the same with the regular Friday Buffets continuing from 5:30 to 7:00 pm along with the Wednesday evening dinner menu at the same times. The Saturday morning breakfast menus are available from 9:00 am to noon while the kitchen is also open for short order meals at 5:00 pm Tuesday to Saturday with menu and prices subject to current minor fluctuations.
The popular Seniors’ Dinners will resume on Monday, January 30th at a cost of $11. Tickets go quickly for these, so book your tickets early.
The Legion bar hours are now set for the winter months as follows: 5:00 to 9:00 pm Monday to Friday and Noon to 8:00 pm on Saturday. Along with these hours we have the resumption of the regular sports' nights for pool, crib and darts.
Regular meetings are again on the calendar. The first of the year took place on the second Tuesday in January. Members are reminded that opening ceremonies are at 7:00 pm. We encourage all members to attend and support the work of the executive and other committees. Volunteers are the lifeblood of any Legion Branch and Branch 78 is no exception. We ask you to put your name forward in whatever area to which you feel you can contribute. If you are unsure, please ask and we can help with suggestions. Your efforts will be most welcome.
As reported earlier, there were 194 Member renewals made during the Early Bird Campaign and the six names were drawn for the annual prizes. There has been a significant number of renewals since it concluded on November 30th. and we urge all members to pay their dues as soon as possible. The revenue from these memberships is an important part of our budget and the $29.50 per-capita payments to Dominion and Provincial Commands help provide the services to Veterans at those levels. New member applications along with transfers continue to add to our numbers, but unfortunately, they are frequently offset by the non-payment of dues by current members.
We can assist in this regard by accepting payment for up to two missed years along with the current year so that in order to maintain all past service we can now accept make-up payment for 2010 and 2011 along with this year. Failing this, with the completion of an application, we can initiate a “Re-Instatement” starting with the current year with no requirement to pay past years' dues.
Following the very successful New Years' Eve Gala, the entertainment committee is planning this year's events and welcomes suggestions for Friday or Saturday evening programming. If you are interested in music events such as a Jam Session or varied forms of dance (eg. Square Dance, Line or Ballroom Dance) please let us know and we can see what might be possible monthly or weekly.
Meanwhile, the Ladies' Auxiliary continues with the Meat Draws and the popular “Chase the Ace” game on Fridays commencing at 5:00 pm. In addition, the ladies have announced a Pie Auction on a Saturday afternoon with the first to be held on the 15th of January and future dates to be announced.

Serving the Veterans, Seniors, Youth and the Community.
Malcolm Hughes
Branch #78. Turner Valley

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