Robin has inspiration for us all as we enter the Year of the Dragon.....and there is no room for doomsday messages!
2012, the Year of the Dragon: the year of prosperity and the enlightening of the human consciousness. At least that's what the leading minds of spiritual and physicist leaders have been saying. Cataclysmic annihilation of everything we hold dear in December? Hardly likely. If any of you have ever watched Ghostbusters 2, and Dr. Venkman's guests on his talk show: 'The Psychics Corner', you'll see that even then, in 1989 the media have been trying to coerce us 'lower beings' a.k.a 'the public' into believing the world will come to an end just to make a buck! Consider this: we all know about the barbaric and sadistic ways of the Ancient Mayans… and how long ago did they exist? Over 3,000 years ago. And didn't their civilization fall into disrepair? Yes. Sure I can respect their extremely advanced understandings for their time, but what other civilization did they co-exist with to broaden their understanding of the world around them? None. And how far ahead are we in understanding our world? Let's ask Stephen Hawking, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Laura Silva-Queseda. Never mind our farthest, mind-blowing discoveries into space, the time continuum, and yet we're following their predictions? How about we give our collective heads a shake?
More and more of us are becoming more aware of our personal power, the universal strength of our thoughts, and how we all must learn to re-connect and re-establish our life forces with our planet and it's other worthy flora and fauna. And this is great news for artists around the globe! Finally, as our audience grows to understand how expressing ones' thoughts in a visual form is vital to living authentically, they will in turn grow to understand the essential importance of the arts. For decades now, we artists have been walking a dangerous tight rope of displaying our work in a time when the arts are being culled not only out of education programs but also out of federal arts funding. Basically, our metaphorical carpets are systematically being ripped out from under us with no mercy. But this year of the Dragon will put an end to that cataclysmic mistake.
All hail the Dragon! Did I mention that I am a Fire Dragon? Beware apocalyptic-messengers… this Dragon is on the hunt.
Light and Love from the Real RobiN Thibodeau
Inspiration Studio Okotoks
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