Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Div. 4 News from Councillor Suzanne Oel

(Page 20)
What do my property taxes pay for?
After the education tax has been removed, the remaining 55% of tax dollars levied is used by the M.D. of Foothills to provide a number of services - directly or jointly with other municipalities -  to the residents of the rural area and all the Hamlets within its boundaries. These services include general administration, public works department, road construction and maintenance of over 2,000 kms of road (snow removal, grading, gravel, bridge repair, culverts, mowing ditches, equipment – graders and sanders), fire protection, ambulance service, emergency management, planning and development administration, building permits with safety codes officers, assessment department, tax and mapping department, garbage disposal, agricultural services, recreation and parks, family and community support services, cemeteries, protective services - bylaw enforcement, support of seniors' foundations, libraries, community clean up, Stars ambulance, committees and boards to aid in the support of communities, inter-municipal planning and administration of provincial funding, Website with information and articles posted, Western Wheel subscription to every tax payer with the purpose to provide residents with minutes and agendas and upcoming hearings. Water services are provided in the hamlets of Aldersyde, Blackie and Cayley, and waste water services are provided in the hamlets of Blackie and Cayley (paid for by the hamlet residents). M.D. of Foothills staff is responsible for the administration of the Foothills Regional Commission, which operates the Foothills Regional Waste Management Facility and the Frank Lake Effluent Pumping System, with costs recovered by the users.
Best Regards,
Suzanne Oel,
Councillor - Division 4

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