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The Town of Turner Valley is updating its Municipal Development Plan (MDP). An MDP is a policy document that will guide Town Council's decision-making on growth and development matters in the community. MDPs are generally updated every five years and this is the sixth year of the current MDP.
Town Council has requested that the principle of sustainability guide this update. Sustain-ability is understood to mean 'meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs'. Four dimensions of Sustainability: social, environmental, economic and governance will act as a framework throughout the development of the MDP.
The Town has hired planning consultants from AECOM to carry out this important work. AECOM has a long history of preparing Sustainability Plans and MDPs and in assisting small and large communities with their many planning and development projects.
As part of the preparation of this MDP update, a series of public meetings will be held in Turner Valley with residents and business people. The purpose of these meetings is to gather information and to enter into a discussion on the strengths of the community and those issues that need to be addressed to make Turner Valley a better place to live. Three meetings will be held in Turner Valley on the below dates from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm:
1.Wednesday, March 30th, at the Turner Valley Town Hall (223 Main Street NE) for Town Council, Administration and members of the public.
2.Wednesday, April 27th, at the Flare 'N Derrick (131 Main Street NE) for Downtown Businesses/Landowners, the Development Industry and members of the public.
3.Wednesday, May 11th, at the Turner Valley Town Hall (223 Main Street NE) for those with interests in Parks, Pathways and Recreation and members of the public.
As well, AECOM will have a booth at the Turner Valley Oil & Gas Open House, to be held at the Flare 'N Derrick (131 Main Street NE) on Thursday, April 14th, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.
To better assist residents and business people in the community in providing AECOM staff with their suggestions, please contact Brian Conger at or 403.270.4856, or Jack Scissons at or 403.975.2556. As well, feel free to visit us on the Facebook website page, “Turner Valley Sustainable Municipal Development Plan Update”.
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