(Grassroots Page 11)
10 Reasons To Get Your Teeth Cleaned
By Penny Judson-Benny Registered Dental Hygienist
Most people don't like going to their dentist/dental hygienist, but there are ten important reasons to pay your dental provider a visit.
Good oral hygiene is important, not only for looks, but for your overall health as well. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a variety of dental and medical problems such as gum disease, infection, bone loss, cavities, heart disease, stroke and more. Regular check-ups and cleanings can prevent these problems as well as provide you with good oral hygiene.
1. To Prevent Oral Cancer – According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, there is someone diagnosed every hour of every day in the United States alone. When you have your regular check-up and cleaning, your dental provider is also screening you for oral cancer. If it is detected early it is highly curable.
2. To Prevent Gum Disease - Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissue and can affect the bone in its more progressive form. It is one of the leading causes of adult tooth loss. If diagnosed early it can be easily treated and reversed. If treatment is not received, a more serious and advanced form of gum disease may develop. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings, flossing daily and brushing twice a day are key factors in preventing gum disease.
3. To Help Maintain Good Physical Health – Recent studies have linked heart attacks and stroke to gum disease, resulting from poor oral health. A dental cleaning every six months (or every 3-4 months for advanced periodontal disease recipients) helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy and also helps reduce risk of heart disease and stroke.
4. To Keep Your Teeth – Since gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults, regular dental check-ups and cleanings, brushing and flossing regularly are vital to keeping as many teeth as possible. Keeping your teeth are important for proper chewing and digestion, speech as well as retaining proper lip retention for a great smile!
5. To Detect Dental Problems Early – Your dental provider will be able to detect early signs of dental disease and problems with your teeth and gums.
Early detection of cavities, broken fillings and gum disease are easily treatable. If these problems are left untreated, root canals, gum surgery and removal of teeth could be the only treatment option available.
6. To Maintain Good Oral Health – Your dental hygienist will help to ensure that you are maintaining your good oral health by visual examination and by comparing your previous dental check-ups. If you are falling off track with your oral hygiene, he/she will try to help you get back on the right path.
7. To Use your Dental Insurance Plan - Most dental insurance plans will pay for all or most of your dental cleanings and check-ups every six months.
You can save a lot of money in the long run by avoiding costly dental procedures that can be the result of poor oral hygiene.
8. To Create A Treatment Plan – If your dental provider diagnoses any problems in your mouth, he/she will have a treatment plan in order to restore the health of the teeth/gums. Always discuss the treatment plan with your provider and any alternative treatments available. You can also confirm financial costs with your dental provider as well.
9. To Have A White and Bright Smile – Your dental hygienist can remove most tobacco, wine and tea stains from your teeth. A polish can give you a clean, white and bright smile!
10. To Prevent Bad Breath - About 85% of people have persistent bad breath called 'halitosis'. This problem can be linked to poor oral hygiene and/or a dental problem. Maintaining a strict oral hygiene program of regular dental cleanings, proper homecare consisting of daily flossing and brushing, as well as using an antibacterial rinse can help reduce malodor.
'Keep Your Smile
For A Lifetime!'
Penny Judson-Benny, RDH, is the owner and operator of Mountain View Dental Hygiene Clinic in Black Diamond and can be contacted at 403-933-7722.
These are absolutely perfect reasons for cleaning teeth. When patients have had their teeth cleaned by scaling and polishing, clarification and ends. The complete package of cleaning leaves your mouth feeling clean and free of plaque.
ReplyDeletecosmetic surgery marketing
Thanks for sharing these ten tips. These are great ways for people to take care of their oral health.