Monday, March 28, 2011

Fool's Paradise

(Page 13)

 By Todd Curran

April 1st is the one day of the year where people are encouraged to prank friends and family. Embrace the day by trying a few of these pranks out!
Antiquing: Get up really early, sneak into your victim's bathroom and fill their hair-dryer with baby powder. When they turn it on, they'll be white and dusty from the shoulders up!
The Wake-up Call: Get an alarm clock, set it for 3:00am and hide it in your victim's room. Once it goes off, they'll go nuts looking for it.
Funnel Pants: You will need a funnel, a coin, a couple of friends and, of course, a victim! Start playing the 'funnel game' in front of your victim. A game of skill that involves putting the funnel down the front of your pants and balancing the coin on your nose with your head tilted back. Tip your head forward to let the coin drop into the funnel. When you have the victim begging to do this put the funnel in his pants and get him to put his head back so you can balance the coin on his nose. As this is happening pour a large drink into the funnel!
Help Wanted: Advertise your boss's job in the local newspaper – by the way, we're looking for a new Publisher!
Safety Meeting: Go around the office and tell random people that a particular person (e.g. your Editor) wanted to see them at 11:00am – they'll be surprised when 50 people drop around to their cubicle at once.

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