Monday, March 28, 2011

From The Lions Den

(Page 13)

Lions Lend a Helping Paw
Submitted by Lion Lona Lineham


Lion James Lee, Janise Galarneau, Lion Lona Lineham, Lion David Campbell and Isis and Theresa Velkova have just returned from a very memorable trip to Bali, Indonesia. This was truly a heart warming experience for me. Bali is a beautiful tropical island full of warm people and an interesting culture. Out of the tourist area people struggle to buy food and clothing, get medical attention and educate their children. The Foothills Lions Club donated $1500 to purchase 55 pair of special glasses and the Lions also donated about 300 reading glasses, to help the poor people of Northern Bali. These glasses were taken to the Helen Flavel Foundation, which is run by an Australian woman who first started this foundation to help educate the poor children in Northern Bali. Helen was ready and waiting for us when we arrived, to train her Balinese helpers to help test the eyesight of people needing glasses. Balinese people from many outlying villages were brought to the foundation, tested and received glasses. Many of these villagers have needed glasses for years but were too poor to purchase them. "Thank You" to Helen Flavel, Sukadana and Dewi (Balinese directors who work tirelessly for the foundation) and all the staff who were so well organized and made this project run efficiently. We were served lunch, water or tea breaks, with treats, and a delicious Balinese feast in the evenings, provided with a lovely hotel room at a discounted price and given free transportation when needed. We were so proud to be working with the "Helen Flavel Foundation" and so proud to be a "Lion". It takes so little to do so much.

At our March 15th meeting we enjoyed the pleasure of having other Lion Clubs in our area meet with us for an evening of fellowship and fun. We had a silent auction and a game of chance which brought in $1394.00. Each year the money raised from this is donated to "The Lions Foundation of Canada" which provides "Dog Guides" to Canadians with disabilities. Every person deserves independence, safety and mobility. This foundation does not receive any Government funding and provides Dog Guides to qualified applicants at no cost. It costs approximately $20,000 to raise and train each dog. Thank you to all the donors who made this a successful auction for this worthy cause.

The next Lions Bingo will be held at the Valley Neighbours Club on Friday, April 1st, at 6:30pm. I hope to see you all there.

The Foothills Lions Club

“Serving Our Community”

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