Submitted by Lion James Lee
Everyone seems to be connected with the internet these days, via touch pads, lap tops, phones, wii machines, play station and of course the old stand-by, the desk top computer. New Age and Old School Lions members stay connected via the internet also. We tweet, skype and email information about meetings, community events that include local Lion projects and Lions International initiatives and objectives. You are aware that this is how we do IT. So what is all this computer hype about? What you perhaps are not aware of is Lions, expanding partnership with the Gates Foundation, to save children across the world from MEASLES. The initiative is entitled One Shot, One Life. We work hand in hand on this medical issue and a plethora of other causes with UNICEF and The World Health Organization. By years end, Lions and our valued partners will have vaccinated 157 million children worldwide in our fight against measles. It costs $1 per measles vaccine dose. The Gates Foundation has challenged Lions to raise $10 million dollars in the fight to eradicate measles worldwide. The Gates Foundation will then match every $2 we raise with $1 from their trust fund. This is just another way that Lions are using the Internet to Serve the communities of the world. Serve is what Lions do!
At the Black and Gold Awards Program at Oilfields High School, Lions Don Ward and Dave Parsons presented a $1000.00 bursary to former student Haleigh Brown, for her extensive community involvement and academic excellence. Haleigh is presently attending the University of Lethbridge, where she is studying Nursing.
Recently, Foothills Lions donated $2500.00 to Education Plus for Art workshops and a School Ski Day. The Longview Youth Group received $3000.00 to create Youth Recreation Programs and $1500.00 to the High Country Minor Hockey Association for Player of the Game Awards for the upcoming Pee Wee “D” Provincial Championship, March 15th thru to the 17th at the Black Diamond Arena.
Interested in becoming a Lion? Our Membership Coordinator Don Ward can be contacted at (403)931-3587 or email Don at:
Bingo starts at 7pm March 16th and 30th at the Valley Neighbours Club.
The Foothills Lions Club
“Serving Our Community”
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