Horoscopes for those born between March 20th and June 21st
Aries (March 20-April 19)
You seem to be in a reflective mood, looking back for a change rather than looking ahead. I think this is a good idea. You're embarking on an important review of your recent relationships, and for that matter, all of your tendencies in relationships. That calls for some ongoing awareness and introspection. One thing on your agenda is making peace with your inherently rebellious nature. While the world needs people who are capable of shaking up the status quo (and you're certainly one of them), this won't work so well as a policy in your personal relationships. One key to happiness in this aspect of your life is choosing people against whom you don't have to rebel. It's true that it can be challenging to find a balance between too much structure and not enough; you do need grounding and commitment, but lately your tendency has been to get into situations that crowd your space and your freedom. As the next few years go on, this is going to become more of an issue, so I strongly suggest you identify people who authentically honor freedom and creativity. For you, that means choosing substance over form.
Taurus (April 19-May 20)
Venus is now in Aries, and this may be taking you on a quest for your lost self. Your whole life may feel like a recovery mission that has you venturing into strange or unfamiliar territory. I suggest you stay in these regions of yourself until you gain some familiarity with the environment you're uncovering. You might have a tendency to want to move on and have things get back to normal, but normal is not what you really want, as far as I can see, or what will really serve you. In fact becoming friendly with what you might otherwise decide is downright strange would be more the way to go. It's time to throw away all of your prior notions of 'normal' and 'proper' and habitual in place of a recognition of what is so. Be mindful of your rituals and do things differently every chance you get. Experiment with your methods of working, relating and most of all the way you take risks (or struggle to do so). You're going to learn a lot if you do, and the information will help you make some crucial decisions shortly after your birthday.
Gemini (May 20-June 21)
Your current focus on your professional life is about to intensify -- and you're about to see whether your hard work has finally yielded any actual results. I have two suggestions. One is that you not only act and dress the part of success, but stand fully in the character of success. This is not merely about changing your affect; it's about an internal shift where you orient on your goals. That said, there is a certain element of stagecraft that will come into play over the next week or so, where appearances will count for more than they usually do. You will be in a spotlight of some kind, and it's essential that you work with this factor. It will count in both your visual appearance, the way you present yourself in spoken words and in writing, and most significantly the vibe that you put forward. Certain aspects indicate that you might be inclined to bend the truth or present two sides of a story; this is not the time to play any games at all with your integrity. Be clear and make sure there are at least two people close to you with whom you can reality check.
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