Saturday, March 10, 2012

What's in the Stars for You? Libra - Scorpio - Sagittarius

Horoscopes for those born between September 22nd and December 22nd

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23)

You've been through a tense few weeks, and you may not be feeling any more confident or like things are heading in any better of a direction. I promise you, however, that you will be able to pull back from the edge and that you're not being pushed into anything you cannot handle. And events over the next few days will do a lot to reassure you that you're not as close to the edge as you thought. You'll feel more assured once you know that, and you'll also feel less alone. There have been several moments the past week where you felt like you didn't quite belong on the planet, but now even in the midst of similar circumstances, you seem to be aligning more closely with a source of nourishment. Also I would remind you -- and you soon may discover -- that you're not alone in any way. But this will be more obvious over the next few days, as the Sun finishes its run through Aquarius and opens a few doors for you. One thing to keep in mind is that not only is there no rush; you're in an important time of completions. Take those one at a time.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
Your life has presented you with many ideas and possibilities lately, though often falling short of the best possibilities actually materializing. That said, your imagination has been venturing into some daring territory and you seem to allow yourself to consider some of the saucier possibilities, at least in theory. As the Sun enters your fellow water sign Pisces over the weekend, you'll either have opportunities to go beyond merely thinking or imagining, or you'll feel more compelled to actually experiment. You've yet to discover whether what you feel in potential and what you can actually manifest will have much in common. There's always a difference -- we're talking about two different realms, one of which is a lot more dense than the other, and where there are actual consequences of action. Just as with your imagination, it's a good idea to open up to what you're not expecting. That's the one significant contact point between 'fantasy' and reality.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22)
You don't need anyone else's approval to make a decision. You may not recognize that you're even seeking that approval. It may come in the form of 'thinking like someone else' or imagining what they would do. I suggest that you think like yourself, align with your own desires and needs, and make the decision that's right for you. There's a good chance that someone you know won't agree with you, but what difference does that make? That person doesn't have to live your life. As soon as you focus on your own intentions, and get centered about what is right for you, you'll see how little the feelings of others matter. That said, if you can discern emotions from facts (both yours and anyone else's), you might gain some clarity based on the actual data you become aware of. It will be an excellent exercise for you to stick strictly to the observable, verifiable facts. This won't interfere with your intuition -- it will only strengthen it.

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