Saturday, March 17, 2012

No Tax Hikes. Period. Wildrose Releases Commitment to Taxpayers

Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith announced the fourth Wildrose Commitment to Albertans on February 28th in Calgary - a firm promise not to raise or introduce taxes if Albertans elect a Wildrose government this spring.
The Wildrose will release five Commitments in key policy areas between now and the next provincial election. Since January 31st, Smith has announced the Wildrose Commitment to Power Consumers, the W ildrose Commitment to Parents on Education and the Wildros e Commitment to Municipalities.
Smith - along with the four Wildrose caucus members - marked the commitment by signing a No Tax Hikes pledge to Alberta taxpayers.
Wildrose MLAs have repeatedly asked Premier Alison Redford to sign a similar pledge, but she has refused. Instead, she insists on having a "conversation" about taxes - including a review of income tax rates - but only after the election.
“Today's commitment is all about doing what Premier Redford refuses to do - be up front and honest with Albertans about taxes," Smith said. "We think Alberta families and businesses are taxed enough. That's why we won't raise taxes. I hope she will come clean before the election. Albertans deserve to know.”
Since Redford became premier, the PCs have indicated they are looking for additional sources of stable revenues. Redford and members of her cabinet have openly mused about increasing sin taxes, bringing back health care premiums, even implementing a Provincial Sales Tax. Most recently, Redford's Throne Speech confirmed her government will review income taxes after the election.
“Premier Redford has ducked and dodged the tax question for weeks," Wildrose Finance Critic Rob Anderson said. "The longer she refuses to rule out tax hikes, the more reasonable it is to assume she will raise taxes. I'm proud of our commitment today. A Wildrose government will not raise taxes. Period.”
To read the full commitment, visit:
The Wildrose stands for free enterprise, less government, increased personal freedom and democracy.

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