Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Turner Valley School News - Reading, Drumming and Pink Shirts

What's with all the pink shirts???

Family Literacy Day

On January 26th we celebrated Family Literacy Day at Turner Valley School. It was a wonderful community literacy building event. Students dressed up as their favourite literary character and we held a Family Read Along throughout the school. Students brought books, board games, along with parents, grandparents, siblings or a special guest to school for a morning of coffee and cookies, family games and reading extravaganza. We had over 60% of our families in attendance with many students dressed up as storybook characters. The energy was fantastic! Mr Bennington and Mrs Webb gave out prizes, books and bookmarks to students who 'GOT CAUGHT READING' during the event.
One World Drumming
Our week long Artist in Residence programme with 'One World Drumming' was a huge success. School Council generously provided the funding for a drumming instructor to spend a week working with students everyday in the school. We wrapped up the week of intensive drumming study with a community drumming celebration on Friday February 3rd. Parents joined students and staff for an enthusiastic wind-up drum circle celebration in the gym. We are grateful to our parent volunteers for funding this creative and musical learning opportunity.
Enchanting Evening in the Works
Spring Theater News ~ By Mrs. Muir
There is a definite energy in the air these days as we prepare for this year's Spring Theatre production of “Enchanted Sleeping Beauty”. What a talented group of students we have performing!
Rehearsals are being held on Wednesdays right after school. We will also be working with groups of actors during some lunch recesses, so students should listen carefully to morning announcements for information regarding practice times. In the near future, we will also be holding our annual 'Pizza Practice' Friday when all cast members will meet after school and have a very long rehearsal with a pizza break in the middle. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help out this year, please contact Mrs. Muir or Mrs. MacDonald at the school. We will be looking for costumes, so if you have any 'ball gowns' and/or outfits that 'townspeople' could wear, please send them with your child to school. Make sure they are clearly labelled so we can return them to you when the production is finished.
We hope you will all mark your calendars and be sure to join us for some fantastic entertainment on March 29th and 30th!
Anti-Bullying Awareness Month ~ By Shae and Justin
The time has come ...... Anti-Bullying Awareness Month and Pink Shirt Day is here!
Starting February 1st to the 29th there will be contests to be won with prizes. There will be a special Pink Shirt day celebration on February 29th.
How Pink Shirt Day came to be...
It was a day when a boy wore a pink shirt to school and he got bullied like crazy, but a group of students didn't agree with the bullying. With their courage they got everyone in the school to wear a pink shirt the next day. Everyone did except the bullies.
It went so well that they got more schools involved and marked a special day for this to happen.
This just shows you that a couple of kids can make a big difference.

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