Sunday, June 5, 2011

Getting Ready for Summer at Sheep River Library

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The volunteer Garden Group is working on the flower boxes located at the front entrance of the library and in the ATB Reading Garden in preparation for our summer kick off during the June 4th  Black Diamond Parade and Community celebrations that follow in Millennium Park in Turner Valley. Watch for the Sheep River Library float in the parade and come to the library during the afternoon to buy VHS tapes and books that will be on sale on the front patio. Bargain prices of 25 cents per item will get you good books to read during the summer and VHS tapes to view if we have rainy days.

Teen Summer Library Experience:
From now until the end of August, Teens 12 to 18 years can take part in a variety of reading challenges with awesome rewards. These challenges include completing suggested activities, reading a number of books over the summer months and writing a book review or story. Bonus prizes are provided for two of the challenges to everyone that completes them and a final prize is given to every teen that completes all five challenges.
The Grand Prize is winner's choice of one of the following – a Kobo e-reader, a Flip Ultra HD Camcorder, $150 Gift Card at a shopping mall or an 8Gb iPod Nano. Prize will be awarded to the winner of the draw in early September. Teens that complete all five challenges will be eligible for the draw.
For program details and to REGISTER ONLINE, grab a brochure from Sheep River Library, get out your library card and go to:

Missed out on buying a TILE to support the library? Well, your contributions are still needed! You may have noticed that there are empty spots in some of the frames on the donor wall. A contribution in the hundreds will get your name in one of these spots.

If you have been in the magazine section lately, you will see renewal cards on many of the publications. Magazines are paid for by the generous donation of library patrons. Just take the renewal slip to the front desk, give the necessary funds to the staff and your donation will be sent off. Your name will then be put on the Magazine Donor Wall giving recognition for your generous contribution.

Seniors Week is fast approaching and many celebrations will be held by churches and organizations in the Diamond Valley area. The library has chosen to Celebrate Seniors a little later in the month of June. With funding from Turner Valley FCSS, a special celebration will be held June 28th during the Terrific Tuesday Talk and Tea. Please mark this event on your calendars, and plan on taking part in this very special day full of entertainment, door prizes, flowers and treats.

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