Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gifts and Gripes

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Taxpayer abuse in extreme

Canada's federal budget is unbalanced. Our economy is fragile. Families are struggling to pay their bills. One sector in Canada not struggling is the “arts community” who received over $360 million from taxpayers last year through the department of Heritage. They spend it with little or no accountability.

The proof of misuse of tax dollars was exposed again recently. It was revealed that a group called FACTOR had received 8.7 million to funnel to friends and projects – without accountability. Factor funded a punk rock “band” in Vancouver to produce an album titled Holy S*!t with offensive content, cover and graphics. Another organization, Telefilms received $104 million dollars last year. It has in the past few years funded films like Young people F…ing, The Masturbators and The Year of the Carnivore ($1.2 million) in which we have questioned whether it contains child pornography images. The Canadian Council for the Arts received $183 Million, National Film Board $69 Million. The laundry list of abuse is long and objectionable.

Will the Conservative government stop this abuse? Canada has record debt and a large budget deficit, yet Heritage Minister, James Moore continues to give your tax dollars to projects that are not scrutinized and non-sustainable. Year after year funding of such an industry is wasteful and harmful. The Heritage budget totals $3.1 Billion. If Finance Minister Flaherty is interested in finding $4 billion dollars to cut he should look here. The next federal budget must cut the Heritage waste by 50%.

We encourage taxpayers to insist this abuse STOPS. It will require thousands of calls from Canadian taxpayers.

The abuse won't stop unless you ACT. Contact your MP today.

Brian Rushfeldt
President- Canada Family Action
Calgary Alberta

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