Monday, October 17, 2011

Career Help at the Sheep River Library

Have you found yourself in the rather daunting position of needing to return to the workforce after a lapse of several years? Perhaps you have taken the time to raise children or have suffered an illness or your retirement savings took a hit in the crash and now you face the prospect of looking for a job. More and more baby-boomers and retirees are working than ever before. 25% of all 65-74 year olds are back in the workforce which is the largest percentage since 1970. Perhaps the last time you sent out your resume coincided with the Flames winning the cup or maybe Trudeau was Prime Minister. Whatever the circumstances, there are two things you know for sure: you need a job and you need help getting one. Assistance is at hand. McBride Career Group offers one on one counselling and classroom instruction in the area of career development at the Sheep River Library. McBride Career Group Inc. began their work with unemployed Albertans in 1989 and has continually expanded services to present specialization in career consulting, employment support, occupational training and professional development. Every second Wednesday of the month (October 12th/November 9th) a career coach is available at the library to assist you with your career and employment goals. Call McBride Career Group at 403-601-2660 to schedule a personal appointment. In addition to this there is a resume writing class on October 25th. Trust me, dusting off that pre-Mulroney era document won't cut it. Things have changed. Learn the techniques that will highlight your skills and accomplishments to target the position you want. Your future needn't contain the phrase “Would you like fries with that?” Coming up on November 29th there will be a class given on interview skills which will cover the different types of interviews, how to prepare for interview questions and interview etiquette.
If you are happily employed and wanting to fill your leisure time, don't forget to check out the library's extensive list of daytime and evening courses on a variety of topics. Tuesday, October 12th, Gavin John will be sharing his stories and photographs of his recent trip to Iraq (yes, Iraq!) and the Middle East. Starting Thursday, October 13th and for the next two Thursdays at 10:30am Bob Huculak can teach you how to use the Internet to search for information and become familiar with all the jargon associated with it. (Urls? Search engines? Hyperlinks? If you don't know what they are then you need this class.) Coming up this Friday is the much anticipated and talked about launch of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada's telescope project. There is still room to sign up.
Apologies to all those who signed up for the Tracpac and Overdrive class with Muhammad. Due to maintenance being done by our wireless internet provider we could not use the Overdrive internet site to demonstrate how to download E books. This class will be rescheduled. If you were signed up for it you will be notified of the new time. If you are just finding out about it and wish to attend please call the library to sign up.
Libraries: The medicine chest of the soul. ~ Inscription over the door of the Library at Thebes.

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